Past-Part Fills Part 5 [Closed]

Feb 27, 2011 12:29

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Vash VS The Yandere States of America, (Swiss/Amer) part 14, 3/? anonymous February 7 2011, 18:55:21 UTC
Link to original prompt:

Direct to first two chapters:

Will be continued here.

OMG I’m so sorry I took so freaking long with this chapter. I’m sure OP thinks I abandoned the prompt, but I had no intention to. RL things got in the way. Please accept my thousand apologies and update?

As soon as the morning rays fell upon his face, America got up. He packed all his bags, and checked his cell phone-it was still getting no reception As soon as he was ready, he used the room’s phone to call one of his kids and let them knew what happened. He called Virginia, knowing she could be trusted to pass it along to all her brothers and sisters.
“I got stuck here because everyone spoke Italian! Everyone should know ( ... )


Vash VS The Yandere States of America, (Swiss/Amer) part 14, 3b/? anonymous February 7 2011, 18:55:53 UTC
-=-=-=-Wednesday Morning in Siwtzerland-=-=-=-
There was a nice breeze going through the garden, though it was just a tad too chilly for Lilli’s taste. She was just outside her bedroom window. She was lying down in the cool earth, looking up at the clouds and humming to herself. It was just for a moment, before she went back to inspecting the flower bed. Fluffy cloud animals danced in the sky, including a rabbit and a cow.

Cows must be Big brother’s favorite animal. They are very pratical and useful. She thought.

Lilli heard ringing through the open window. Must be the phone. She picked herself up and wiped her dirty hands on her pants. Lilli leaned through the window. Thankfully, the phone was just barely in her reach.

“Hello, this is Switzerland’s house.“

“Um...Hello Liechtenstein. This is Germany. Is Switzerland there?“
Earlier, Switzerland had gone to the store. He wanted her to come, but she persuaded him to let her stay in the house alone. In fact, Lilli was a little proud of herself for convincing her brother she could manage ( ... )


Re: Vash VS The Yandere States of America, (Swiss/Amer) part 14, 3b/? anonymous February 8 2011, 00:12:31 UTC
YAY!! It's not a forgotten fic!! *is very happy :)* I look forward to more updates!


Re: Vash VS The Yandere States of America, (Swiss/Amer) part 14, 3b/? anonymous February 8 2011, 05:51:51 UTC
I'm so excited! I'm glad you're still working on this!


Re: Vash VS The Yandere States of America, (Swiss/Amer) part 14, 3b/? anonymous February 8 2011, 12:32:23 UTC
Yay! More Vash Vs Yandere States! :D


OP never lost faith! anonymous February 13 2011, 04:49:07 UTC
OP rejoices at your renewed presence on the meme. OP is also really glad that she stalks the past part fills so frequently. Otherwise I might have missed you. D: BUT I DIDN'T! YAY! :D

New York, you're such a creeper...
I really like how you're taking Vash and Al's relationship slowly. They're not that close, so this seems more realistic than "OMG I LUV U!"
I also like how the states don't seem crazy yet. Just rather nosy...

OP is very much looking forward to your future updates. :]
And OP will stop using third person now ^^;;;


Author!anon anonymous February 15 2011, 09:40:39 UTC
Aw thank you! I didn't think these two could really fall in love that fast, and having the States get so nosy over a currently non-existent relationship is fun.

I hope I haven't just written myself into a corner with my next chapter though.


Vash VS The Yandere States of America 4/? anonymous February 15 2011, 09:08:03 UTC

-=-=-=-=-12:42pm, Austria’s House=-=-=-=-
It was uncommon for most countries to see Germany out of his usually staid demeanor. Other than his good friend Italy, of course. Today, however, a certain Frenchman bearing bad news broke him out of his normally serious manner.

“…What?” Ludwig’s face was bright red. “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

“I didn’t know until today.” Francis cleared his throat. “Well. It’s not like this hasn’t happened before. America may even be used to it by now.”

“Ja, that is true.”

The Frenchman waved his hand through the air, as if trying to banish an unpleasant thought. “Switzerland is mediating something that has nothing at all to do with America, so there is no reason the meeting cannot continue as planned.”

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-The chair normally reserved for Lilli’s big brother was empty. Since he was a third party mediator/guard today, he wasn’t allowed to occupy his normal spot. That meant she was sitting by herself, but that was fine. The girl had stood on her on before, and Vash would worry less if ( ... )


Vash VS The Yandere States of America 4b/? anonymous February 15 2011, 09:10:24 UTC
“You know what? Who are you to meditate-“ “Mediate!” “WHO CARES!“ The entire room flinched from the sheer power of the nation’s voice.

He continued, “You’re not really neutral here, so you shouldn’t get to mediate this one.”

“Switzerland is a recognized neutral entity.” Vash threw in a nasty glare for good measure.

“That’s what you say. But you were going to arrest my old boss, and now you want to pretend you can settle an argument about him without being biased one way or the other. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Unfortunately for the world, some unknown voice off to the side whispered,”Yeah, but you’d try to.”
The nations of the world exploded into action. About half of them, following Italy’s lead, dived under the table for cover. The more powerful nations leapt to their feet and separated themselves into groups of twos or threes. A few nations tried to shrink into their seats or the walls, including even developed nations. After twenty seconds of chaos, the room settled down into awkward silence. Lilli was one of only ( ... )


authoranon forgot to mention in the notes anonymous February 15 2011, 09:18:59 UTC
I know Mubarak already resigned, but this chapter takes place before. So think of this as having happened maybe a day or two before that


Re: Vash VS The Yandere States of America 4b/? anonymous February 17 2011, 00:23:54 UTC
OP did not hear about Bush. He wasn't the best pres, but I don't think he deserves to be arrested. o.o
I wonder why America and England were so snippy, though. Are the PMS'ing or something? X'D

"Who are you to meditate-“ “Mediate!” “WHO CARES!“
I totally had to read this three times to catch that. XD Looks like I made the same mistake as Al, lol.

I don't think you wrote yourself into a corner. Vash and Al just need a make-up session and its all good. :]
Anyway, looking forward to more stuff (and more states :] ).


Re: Vash VS The Yandere States of America 4b/? anonymous February 22 2011, 05:16:19 UTC
“I mean it. NO ARGUING on the side or letting the discussion go off track, or I, Germany, will discipline you!”

I wonder if it's bad that I think it'll be kinda hot to see this happen?

Anyway, I really enjoy this fill and the current news you incorporated. I didn't know about the possible war crime charges bought against the former president so I also learned something new today. :]

Can't wait to see how Switzerland and America's relationship changes. Please update soon.


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