Title: Lost and Found (Part 14a)
PerfectlyLexy &
DreamtoCreatePairing: Scott Barringer/Peter Scarbrow
Rating/Warning etc: Eventually NC-17.
Summary: Despite knowing better, and Scott’s denial, Peter and Scott realize they have feelings for one another that transcend that of student and teacher. Perhaps the lost truly can be found.
Continued from
Lost and Found (Part 13b).
"We're here to what?" Kat asked, utter disbelief written on her face. "Peter, you've read our files, and seen our records. Where in any of that did it say any of us had the faintest idea of how to bake a cake?"
"Well...it didn't. But, you know, that's why we're here, right? To learn? We can do this!" Peter retorted, a relaxed smile on his face. "Besides, it's Scott's birthday, doesn't he deserve a bit of a surprise to cheer him up?"
"He hasn't exactly looked crestfallen," Jules commented. "But I think Peter's right."
"Hey, I'm not going to let any one of your birthday's go unnoticed, I promise," he retorted, pulling out a large container of flour. "So, who's with me?"
There was a grudging round of agreement.
"This is wack, but I'm doing it for Meat," Auggie said, speaking seemingly for all of them.
"Good, that's what I hoped!" Peter said, a broad smile on his face. "Now, anyone know how to bake cake?"
There was silence for several long moments. "Um, I might," Katherine finally volunteered.
The counselor stifled a sigh and glanced over at Katherine. "Great! Then you're in charge! Just show us what to do," he retorted. "I think there's a cookbook over here..." He searched through a few drawers and pulled out a large book. "Yes! Right here..."
"Do we have everything?" Jules peered over at the book. "Eggs...flour," she glanced at the container Peter had lifted earlier.
"Sugar...baking powder..." Juliette read over the other girl's shoulder. "Do you know where they keep those?"
"We'll figure it out," she sighed when Peter looked somewhat blank. In what was not quite short order, they had, and were attempting to do the recipe. This was going to be quite interesting.
"So are we doing anything else for his birthday?" Ezra asked curiously.
"I don't know. You guys wanna do the whole gift thing and make him anything?" Peter asked, reaching over for the flour and cursing when it tipped and spewed all over the counter, flying up into the air.
There was some coughing and waving as the flour covered the closest bystanders. "We could have a party," Juliet suggested, looking excited for the first time "I mean, we've done it before for other Cliffhangers."
Most of it managed to land on Peter and he coughed while trying in vain to keep the canister from falling over completely. "I think a party sounds like a wonderful idea! But, uhm...I'm not sure if I'm more help or hindrance in this."
Ezra grinned over at him. "Oh, definitely a hindrance, but, hey, it was hilariously humiliating and it was you and not one of us...that was worth the comic value right there!"
There was a round of snickers as they set to work, though it took a bit to salvage enough flour off the counter top to work with.
The batter was everywhere by the time they got it poured into the pans and relaxed into stools around the kitchen. Peter glanced around and chuckled before looking down at himself. "It's almost as bad as a quest," he quipped, smiling ruefully when the teens around him groaned in agreement.
"Let's just hope the cake survives," Katherine said, eyeing the oven dubiously.
"Well, we have almost an hour," he said, clapping his hands. "We should talk now about the baking process. How does it feel that you know you're going to be able to frost that cake and eat something that you all made with your own two hands?"
"If it survives, I suppose it'll feel nice. If not, well then, at least we tried," Jules spoke up, when no one else seemed quite inclined to.
He commented in agreement, smiling encouragingly. "I always get a sense of pride knowing I've made something that I can actually eat...or use in some way."
"Oh yeah?" Auggie actually looked interested at this. "And what have you ever
made, man?"
"Me? Ah, well, you know...A lot of these buildings I've made," Peter answered, motioning around them. "I rebuilt my life...does that count?"
Another round of snickering and a few decided, 'no's', then Jules was speaking again. "And what about the party? I mean we kind of have to do *some* planning, Peter. We can't all just go headlong into things like you do."
"Well," he answered, turning toward Juliette, his hand coming up over his heart as if pierced with an arrow. "Ouch...that hurt!" Peter shook his head.
She smiled sweetly. "Truth does that."
Most of the student's laughed, saying, "Oh ho!"
Peter laughed and shook his head. "Okay, okay! The party! What do you think we should do for Scott?" Which probably wasn't a good thing, him helping to plan it, but he wanted to make sure Scott had a nice birthday...he was already looking into something he could get Scott that wouldn't be over the top and right in line with something a teacher would give a student.
"We could do it in the dining hall," Ezra suggested. "Do the ice cream and cake thing, maybe a little uh...uh decorative decor..."
Daisy rolled her eyes at that. "Are you going to _make_ the decorations?"
"I was just trying to think up something. It's not like anyone else is helping," he defended in that innocent way he had.
"No, you're completely right, Ezra," Peter agreed. "I actually think I like that idea. We could make a huge banner! He'll hate it!" Glancing around, his gaze held a challenge to it.
"I like it. The Meat'll have a fit," Auggie said, grinning. There was a round of light applause and laughter.
"And if we make it a surprise party..." Peter left that hanging, watching them all warm to it and nod in agreement.
"I say we do it!" Jules said. "I could keep Scott distracted, I'm sure!"
Why was it a sudden feeling of jealousy hit him suddenly? Peter sat there for a moment, forcing himself to remain calm and keep his face from changing expressions. "Hands off, Jules, if you do," he retorted, trying to make light of the situation with a forced smile.
"Hey," she said, looking slightly indignant. "Scott and I are just friends now."
"Evidently I didn't get that memo," he replied dryly, smiling. "Now, how's that cake coming?"
Lost and Found (Part 14b)