*raises from the dead* Dun dun dun DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Yes, it's me and I liiiiive. I have been meaning to make a journal for some time. Just haven't gotten around to it
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Hullo hullo everyone!!! I am a poor sot with no moneys to spend on all my friends, and so I'm making some personalized christmas cards for all my art buddies. ^_^ The list will grow as I get them done. I'm sorry to those of you who know me and don't get them. I wish that I had the time and moxy to make arts for all of my friends, but by god,
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fu fu fu fu fu!!!! so, I joined up on Fanart100, and have my first fanart done. Fanart 001-- beginnings. For now, I'm just sticking it in my journal for all my friends to see. I'll make a prompt table and submit it officially later. I'm far far too lazy right now. H'anyway, here it be. Beginnings. ( Warning: a bit o' nakedness )
OK, total non sequiter subject. Firefox stores subjects, ya know? Like the drawdown tab, and sometimes, when I can't think of what I want ot title of something to be,I just nab a thing at random
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Well, my madness the other day ended in a very interesting journey. I drank quite a bit of whiskey and wandered outside in the rain and down the railroad tracks. Everything was misty, and strange buildings were shining their bright, multicolored lights. Nobody else was around. It was really quite beautiful. A lot of people in the US that I
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