patron today wanted to post an ad for a house for rent on craigslist. he needed to put in a photo. he had no concept of how digital photography works, or what craigslist actually is. his solution
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if this was SBC, he was in a GREAT disguise (like, 8 inches shorter, blond, and kinda chunkier than he was in borat).
LA is pretty sweet. my apartment's heater is not working which sucks (it is about 59 each night, which is not COLD but certainly chilly). how are you enjoying NYC and the return to winter? i was thinking the other day, southern CA does have seasons, it's just that march-november is summer, december is fall, january is winter, and february is spring.
Comments 8
BTW How is LA treating you? I thought you'd like to know that the high in NYC today is 36.
LA is pretty sweet. my apartment's heater is not working which sucks (it is about 59 each night, which is not COLD but certainly chilly). how are you enjoying NYC and the return to winter? i was thinking the other day, southern CA does have seasons, it's just that march-november is summer, december is fall, january is winter, and february is spring.
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