patron today wanted to post an ad for a house for rent on craigslist. he needed to put in a photo. he had no concept of how digital photography works, or what craigslist actually is. his solution
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i was sitting next to a woman with a 5-year-old girl on her lap. the girl is grabbing the hands of and otherwise playing with the 2-year-old boy in the seat in front of her, who was on his mom's lap too (the two pairs were not related nor had ever met before the bus trip, as far as i could tell). the kids are smiling and laughing and then suddenly
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on the bus today, normal girl tries to start conversation with incredibly nerdy girl. normal girl asks questions; nerd answers with one word, and doesn't ask any questions in return. normal girl finally gets nerdy to talk in full sentences about upcoming vacations
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OMG i hate apartment-hunting. i hate it so much that instead of doing it today i mopped the floor. i just hate picking a place and dealing with money/budgeting and trying to figure out if i could work around the inconvenience of having to buy a refrigerator and etc
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actual discussion from work meeting today regarding a coworker's baby shower: "she is registered at baby time." "where is that?" "on ventura, near the holistic pet food store." "oh, metapuppy?" "no, the other holistic pet food store
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things have been weird/bad lately. OMG i am using subject headings and subheadings to organize my thoughts. the opac sucks! you know you loved that utube video.
goin to berkeley this sunday-tuesday. any recommendations for what i should do there? i've never been.
almost every day since i moved here, there's this ASSHOLE playing their annoying car horn, usually between 7 AM-11 PM. it is sort of a mix between the mexican hat dance and the woody the woodpecker theme music, a multi-trumpet, slightly-off-key fanfare of pissing me the hell off. they play it 1-6 times in a row, so my frustration just builds as it
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i find it hilarious that "bards and minstrels" is the second-most-used tag for books on and even funnier, the biggest subcategory within "bards and minstrels" is "magic carpet ride." WTF?