Title: His Lost Love. Rating: U/G, although still a mighty squick. Wordcount: 100 Challenge: Pick an Ick. Disclaimer: The HP universe and all in it belongs to JKR
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Title: Sweets Word Count: 100 Challenge: Pick an Ick Pairing: Crabbe/Goyle/Ron A/N: So, er... I don't find this squicky, but I'm sure someone will. I'm still trying to think of something for my Harry/Ginny which squicks me oh-so-badly.
Title: The Unknown Malfoy. Wordcount: 99 Rating: A rather wussy PG. Challenge: Pick an Ick. Disclaimer: The character of Severus Snape, and the HP universe both belong to JK Rowling
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These are pairings that squick *me*. If none of these squick you, choose your poison - as long as it's squicky. And icky smut in 100 words? Earns you brownie points
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Title: Lakeside bathing Word Count: 100 Characters/Pairings: Lupin Challenge: #25 The Great Unwashed Author’s notes: Ok, I deviated from the challenge again…sorry, I couldn’t help myself! And yeah, it's not really a squick... ( Read more... )