Because my mom is awesome, she decided I need this. I was talking to her about wanting to do some carving and detail work on wands, when I make more of them, which is what prompted her to decide I need a Dremel tool
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Little jack o' lantern dudes posted in my etsy shop. The price reflects the time it takes to make them, and the toll on my bad wrist. Have a look. The cats thank you.
Looks like it's going to be closer to the 3 weeks of the "2 to 3 weeks" timeframe they gave me for the computer repair. Just got an update this morning saying the "parts had been ordered" which would take another "3 to 10 days". Good grief
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So, exactly 3 weeks ago I got the hard drive replaced. Now the beast demands that I take it in again for video issues. I'm pretty sure the card is toast. Lots of device driver failured the past few days, and randomly shutting down. Installed optional driver update yesterday and everything seemed fine til it went loony on me around midnight
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I finally get the time to do all the pesky errands that need running, and it's broiling hot out there. Meh. Why must everything I need to do be spread so far around the damned city? I think I got spoiled being able to walk (less than 3 minutes) to the post office and pharmacy when we lived in Atlanta. Here, I have to drive everywhere...
Though it sucked, my hard drive dying on me has given me a good excuse to make better order of my computer. I still need to ditch the extra crap I was given with the new HD (all that useless junk PCs come loaded with...), but I have the snazzy new version of Gimp, and just downloaded Open Office today. Everything is safely backed up on a shiny new
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