WORD - WEEK #1 - [JUNE 24 - JUNE 30].

Jul 02, 2011 10:52

Benvenuti benvenuti! … To the opening “issue” of THE WORLD OF WORDS~!


I have been going around mainly three fandoms (JrockYaoi, Gazette_Yaoi, and Alice in [Loveland]) for this beginning issue, mainly because I had to read one week worth of ONE SHOTS, DRABBLES, MINI ONE SHOTS and others of the like … in one day … and MeeeeEyeBallsAreHurtiiiiing(´Д`。) !!! WHICH is my fault, since I have been procrastination in the completition of this journal, but now that it is almost complete (just need to finish the WORLD OF ISSUES section …) I should be able to be reading more fictions in a timely manner, and in more fandoms) PLEASE DO SUGGEST FANDOMS other than those 3 if you know any cause … I honestly don't! At the moment I AM NOT COMMENTING ON MULTI CHAPTERED FICS … I might start reading them, which is VERY LIKELY … but because of their obvious length I would need some time to start processing them all, but I believe I will eventually get to commenting does as well, and when I'll do, I'll make it known.

To know WHY I suggested this, if you choose any just scroll down to comments and you'll find mine (^ ^” ). So here are MY suggested readings and authors for the week of June 24th - June 30th (MEANING that anything before that unfortunately I didn't read m( _ _)mSorrySorrySorrySorrySorry m(_ _ )m):

Going to start inserting this in my ARCHIVE, so tha tyou can go and easily pick them up if you want to go read them again by selecting them by BAND or GENRE.
AAAAAAAAND that's it for this week! Also before I close this first number I would like to remind how I AM NOT UP FOR FLAMING ANYONE, OR MAKING YOU FEEL ANY LESS OF A HUMAN BEING NOBODY CAN BE LESS OF A HUMNA BEING THAN ME ANYWYAS!!!∑(O_O;) BY NOT MENTIONING ANY OF YOU ON THIS. As a writer myself I would never aspire at doing as much, I just KNOW FOR A FACT that many have sometimes necessity to know whether they are going somewhere with their writing, and ….yeah yeah I know, because it feels good to be acknowledged and just because I do not make a big deal about comments (SUCH A SORE TOPIC COMMENTS ARE) I have no right to tell people that they should do the same!! I expect to be doing this for a while, so YOU NEVER NOW WHEN YOU could be next … SO GANBATTE!… THERE.

For questions about anything at all comment, or message me, and if you have anytime at all there is already an article in the WORLD OF NEWS (WORLD OF ISSUES will be completed today) so if you will go check it out!

See you all next week!

The is a message for Kazuki, Kai and Saga:
I believe in female-polygamy, call me, thanks.


PS ... There is too much REITA RUKI BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU (LOLOLOL) ... REITA KAI FOREVER!! . You know me ... if I don't say something stupid every have I might have a seizure.

section - world of words

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