1-10 51-60 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Set of 70/100
061) Have You Learned Something Important From Life?
Life is nothing but a learning experience.
062) Have You Ever Loaned Money To Your Friends And Family?
Yes. I don't like to do so but I still do and it has to be for the correct reasons.
063) Are There Any Causes You Strongly Believe In?
I don't know much about any cause but I do have strong beliefs.
064) Have You Ever Cheated On A Test?
I think.
065) Do You Like Soda Or Pop?
There is a difference? I don't think I've ever had Pop if there is.
066) Ever Seen A Therapist?
067) Do People Tell You That You Act Older, Younger, Or Your Age?
I have people tell me I act older than I am, I look younger than my age, but I know I act like a five year old.
068) Have You Ever Regretted Something?
I don't think so. I don't know what regret feels like so I can't really say.
069) Do You Consider It More Important To Be Liked Or Respected? Why?
Respected. If you are well respected then you're usually well liked. I wouldn't lower my standards for anyone.
070) Are You Good At Cooking?
I think not. :/ I don't have much experience but I am willing to learn and try anything out. I would love to cook but Im always doing something else rather than shopping for ingredients.
Escape my Thoughts: 800 Questions to ask a Girl