I've been conferring with
mib_khan over the repair state of the
uss_murgatroid. His first priority, after balancing his internal chemistries, was to restore ansible communication to his clones. My priorities, were slightly
different, though not incompatible. For the moment, he's been using his older backup systems for the clones on the ship.
Beyond that, Khan has been very consistant. I'm pretty sure that if I asked him to choose a repair priority betwen his ansible and life-support, he'd starve to death (or asphyxiate) before commiting to an answer.
We'll have full shields soon. And I've chosen to restore ansible communication before standard comms. This will make Khan happy, but that wasn't my reasoning. Granted, there are four of him, and individually they're about twice my size, with a slight tendency for violence and cannibalism, I don't have time right now for fear and intimidation. There are Khans all over the place, and they can use standard sytems and update the Khans here and elsewhere by ansible.
Propulsion, navigation and weapons come next, though I can't say what order we'll finish.
I can only hope that the ansible will have two-way functionality.