getting this loan has been a complete's still not closed and I just came from a meeting with the loan officer. I feel like I've been raped!
This world sucks. All the bullshit and people in it.
Keith got back from Korea yesterday. He endured the entire 26 hour trip with some sort of stomach problem. He has been throwing up and....other yucky stuff for 3 days. He was worshipping the plastic god in various airplanes, and in each airport.
Poor poor. Thankful he got back in one piece though. Oh how I love him!
I signed up about a month ago, thought I might try to keep it secret in case I end up not doing it, but oh well. Just don't want it seeping out at work.
Last time I volunteered catching finishers at Ironman CDA 2003, I knew next time I was there I would be the one running (or limping) over that finsh line!!
I ran ten miles last night! And I felt pretty good afterwards, too. My legs are a bit hammered today, not sore like I pushed it, but just tired
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Jade's team lost a tournament game to the same team they lost to already. They only lost 2 games in the season, and this was the only competitive team. It was an exciting game though.
I need a vacation! Hope I'll have some dough left after the house closes (9 days to go)!