Title: Much Like Drowning Pairing: If you wear tinted glasses and then squint really really hard it's Tamaki/Kyouya. Written for lil_kumaRating: G
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I finally decided to post something. My first Kyouya/Haruhi fic. Thanks sharona1x2 for beta-ing.
Title: Final Engagement Pairing: Kyouya/Haruhi Fandom: Ouran Rating: G Summary: Kyouya's breaks his 5th engagement. His father has had enough and tells him to fix things.
I wasn’t too comfortable posting this since I feel that it still lacks something. Apologies if I’m unable to stay faithful to some of the details. It has been too long since I watched the first few Bleach episodes. Anyway, here it is.
Title: Not Quite Normal Author: iwriteparallels Rating: G Characters: Ichigo, Rukia, Karin and mention of Ririn Notes: Rukia reflects on what a normal family is like. unbetaed
I finally got myself a writing journal, though I haven't told anyone about it. All the posts after this are going to be fiction. Mostly it would be fanfiction but I suppose I could also post original works.
I'm looking forward to writing my lies, and maybe i'll throw in some truths too.