Pick your flavour of navigational goodness:
Consider them spoiler-free unless spoilers are mentioned in the descriptions. Crossovers where a mention of what LoM is crossed over with are done that way for purposes of the stories involved. Happy reading!
EENSY (500 words or less):
Must Be a Board Meeting (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark and snarky. Spoilers through S2.08. 123 words.)
I Lost My Cat! (Crossover [ALF], White Cortina, Gen. Crack. 123 words. Written for
operafloozy's cracky crossover challenge of doom.)
Caro Diario (Slightly stained-white Cortina, ecru maybe? Continuation of My Way or the Hyde Way, although it can be read separately.)
Fijación Tactile (Blue Cortina, Gene/DeLorean. Crack. 223 words.)
Surrogate (Crossover [Ashes to Ashes], Black Cortina/Black Quattro, Gen. BLACKEST OF BLACK HUMOUR. 225 words. Spurred on by a conversation with
All the Time in the World (Blue Cortina, Sam/Warren. 260 words. Written in response to a challenge from
dorcas_gustine for the First Kiss meme.)
Feedback Loop (White Cortina, Gen. Spoilers through S2.06. 260-ish words.)
The Meaning of Friendship (Crossover [Sesame Street], Ecru Cortina, Gen. Crack. 262 words. I blame
Aim for the Head (Crossover, White Cortina, Gen. Missing scene. 362 words.)
Safe as Houses (Blue Cortina, Gene/Ruth. 416 words. Written in response to a challenge from
darthfi for the First Kiss meme.)
Oogle my Labradoodle (Crossover [Top Gear], White Cortina, Gen, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRACK. 468 words. Written in response to a challenge from
m31andy for the First Kiss meme.)
FUN-SIZED (1,000 words or less):
Auditory Hallucinations (Crossover [Harry Potter], Slightly-stained White Cortina, Gen-ish. Crack. 503 words.)
Five Friends Sam Tyler Never Had (Green Cortina, Gen, 550 words.)
It's All in the Product Placement (Blue Cortina, Sam/Tony Crane, meta, crack. 564 words. Written in response to a challenge from
emeriin, for the First Kiss meme.)
Five Professions Sam Tyler Had Previously Considered (Green Cortina, Gen, 589 words.)
Porny Porny Princess (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene (hints of Ray as well), crossdressing. Crack. 655 words. Follow-on from
Pretty Princess.)
So Rank the Stink of Shit (Blue Cortina, Gen, Crossover, snark. SPOILERS through S2.02. Gen. 667 words.)
With All the Trimmings (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Slashy-non-graphic overtones involving foodstuffs. 684 words. Prequel to Pole Position.)
The Rent Boy and the Fat Copper (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. Filk (poor Mr. Dodgson). Crack. 697.5 words.)
Painted Blind (Blue Cortina, Sam/Apology. Cracky angst, or "crangst," as I like to call it. 701.2-ish words.)
Under the Wire (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Scene insert at the end of S2.01. 744 words.)
Just Can't Get Enough (White Cortina, Sam/Mobile. 758 words.)
Heaven Knows It's Got To Be This Time (Gen, hints of Sam/Annie, White Cortina. 816 words.)
The Night After Chris-mas (Red Cortina, Sam/Chris. 837 words. Musical version of Roundabout, which was an interlude set after The Psycho!Samatic Cycle.)
Aftermath (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina. 856 words. HEAVY spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and through all of S3 of New Who. Darkness. Woe.)
A Midwinter Night's Dream (White Cortina, Gen, 861 words.)
Missed Connections (BLT, Sam/Mobile/Maya, Blue Cortina. 862 words.)
Harry Potter and the It Was All Only a Dream (Crossover [Harry Potter], White Cortina, Gen. 926 words. Part of my
Harry Potter Fanfics We'd Rather Not Read series.)
Five Things Sam Tyler Swore He'd Never Do, But Did Anyway (Green Cortina, Gen. 942 words.)
My Way or the Hyde Way (Gen, White Cortina, 969 words. Goes with Caro Diario, but can be read separately.)
REGULAR-SIZED (1,000-5,000 words):
Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To (Green Cortina, Gen, 1032 words. Spoilers through S1.04. Somewhat-sequel to Five Women Ray Carling Dated.)
From Hollow Into Light (Brown Cortina, Ray/Sam, complete and utter crack. For
usomitai. 1100-ish words.)
Five Women Ray Carling Dated (Green Cortina, Ray/various. 1132 words. Prequel to Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To.)
Home Remedy (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1198 words. Belated migraine cure for
The World Uncertain Comes and Goes (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark. Angsty. 1200-ish words. Especially for
One Better (Red Cortina, Annie/Phyllis, BDSM. 1200-ish words. Written in answer to a challenge from
Un Monde Parfait (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. PWP. 1222 words. Emergency pr0n for
Living Under Glass (Brown Cortina, AU of
Hookerverse series, with all the warnings that alone entails. Bit crack-y. 1300-ish words.)
Pole Position (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1433 words. Follow-on from With All the Trimmings, especially for
Nuclear (Red Cortina, Sam/Annie. Set post-S2.08, spoilers up to and including the end of the series. 1499 words.)
Invitation Undreamt Of (Crossover [Twin Peaks], White Cortina, Gen. Part 1 of what was meant to be a series, but the rest hasn't been written yet. 1920 words.)
Lovers Walk (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and for S2.10 of New Who. 2293 words. Birthday fic for
Ten New Messages (1/2) (Crossover [A2A], Gen, Dark, angsty. Blue Cortina/Blue Quattro. Borrowed bunny from
Promises in the Dark (Red Cortina, psycho!Sam/Chris, musical, BDSM. 2815 words. Musical version of The Psycho!Samatic Cycle, written for
m31andy and
cuvalwen for their birthdays.)
Lord of the Pies (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP, fluff. Spoilers through S1.04. More foodpr0n. 3500-ish words. For
duckyone, who totally asked for it. >3)
KING-SIZED (10,000 + words):
Straw (Gen, Red Cortina. Spoilers through S2.01. 10,648 words. Dark dark darkity dark and full of horror.)
Consider them spoiler-free unless spoilers are mentioned in the descriptions. Crossovers where a mention of what LoM is crossed over with are done that way for purposes of the stories involved. Happy reading!
I Lost My Cat! (Crossover [ALF], White Cortina, Gen. Crack. 123 words. Written for
operafloozy's cracky crossover challenge of doom.)
Feedback Loop (White Cortina, Gen. Spoilers through S2.06. 260-ish words.)
Aim for the Head (Crossover, White Cortina, Gen. Missing scene. 362 words.)
Oogle my Labradoodle (Crossover [Top Gear], White Cortina, Gen, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRACK. 468 words. Written in response to a challenge from
m31andy for the First Kiss meme.)
Just Can't Get Enough (White Cortina, Sam/Mobile. 758 words.)
Heaven Knows It's Got To Be This Time (Gen, hints of Sam/Annie, White Cortina. 816 words.)
A Midwinter Night's Dream (White Cortina, Gen, 861 words.)
Harry Potter and the It Was All Only a Dream (Crossover [Harry Potter], White Cortina, Gen. 926 words. Part of my
Harry Potter Fanfics We'd Rather Not Read series.)
My Way or the Hyde Way (Gen, White Cortina, 969 words. Comes before Caro Diario, but can be read separately.)
Invitation Undreamt Of (Crossover [Twin Peaks], White Cortina, Gen. Part 1 of what was meant to be a series, but the rest hasn't been written yet. 1920 words.)
Caro Diario (Slightly stained-white Cortina, ecru maybe? Continuation of My Way or the Hyde Way, although it can be read separately.)
The Meaning of Friendship (Crossover [Sesame Street], Ecru Cortina, Gen. Crack. 262 words. I blame
Auditory Hallucinations (Crossover [Harry Potter], Slightly-stained White Cortina, Gen-ish. Crack. 503 words.)
Must Be a Board Meeting (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark and snarky. Spoilers through S2.08. 123 words.)
Fijación Tactile (Blue Cortina, Gene/DeLorean. Crack. 223 words.)
All the Time in the World (Blue Cortina, Sam/Warren. 260 words. Written in response to a challenge from
dorcas_gustine for the First Kiss meme.)
Safe as Houses (Blue Cortina, Gene/Ruth. 416 words. Written in response to a challenge from
darthfi for the First Kiss meme.)
It's All in the Product Placement (Blue Cortina, Sam/Tony Crane, meta, crack. 564 words. Written in response to a challenge from
emeriin, for the First Kiss meme.)
So Rank the Stink of Shit (Blue Cortina, Gen, Crossover, snark. SPOILERS through S2.02. Gen. 667 words.)
With All the Trimmings (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Slashy-non-graphic overtones involving foodstuffs. 684 words. Prequel to Pole Position.)
Painted Blind (Blue Cortina, Sam/Apology. Cracky angst, or "crangst," as I like to call it. 701.2-ish words.)
Under the Wire (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Scene insert at the end of S2.01. 744 words.)
Aftermath (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina. 856 words. HEAVY spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and through all of S3 of New Who. Darkness. Woe.)
Missed Connections (BLT, Sam/Mobile/Maya, Blue Cortina. 862 words.)
The World Uncertain Comes and Goes (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark. Angsty. 1200-ish words. Especially for
Lovers Walk (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and for S2.10 of New Who. 2293 words. Birthday fic for
Ten New Messages (1/2) (Crossover [A2A], Gen, Dark, angsty. Blue Cortina/Blue Quattro. Borrowed bunny from
Five Alternate Uses Annie Had For Her Stinger (Blue Cortina, SPOILERS through S2.01. Warnings for Evil!Annie. 645 words. Co-written with
Five Friends Sam Tyler Never Had (Green Cortina, Gen, 550 words.)
Five Professions Sam Tyler Had Previously Considered (Green Cortina, Gen, 589 words.)
Five Things Sam Tyler Swore He'd Never Do, But Did Anyway (Green Cortina, Gen. 942 words.)
Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To (Green Cortina, Gen, 1032 words. Spoilers through S1.04. Somewhat-sequel to Five Women Ray Carling Dated.)
Five Women Ray Carling Dated (Green Cortina, Ray/various. 1132 words. Prequel to Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To.)
Porny Porny Princess (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene (hints of Ray as well), crossdressing. Crack. 655 words. Follow-on from
Pretty Princess.)
The Rent Boy and the Fat Copper (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. Filk (poor Mr. Dodgson). Crack. 697.5 words.)
From Hollow Into Light (Brown Cortina, Ray/Sam, complete and utter crack. For
usomitai. 1100-ish words.)
Home Remedy (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1198 words. Belated migraine cure for
Un Monde Parfait (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. PWP. 1222 words. Emergency pr0n for
Living Under Glass (Brown Cortina, AU of
Hookerverse series, with all the warnings that alone entails. Bit crack-y. 1300-ish words.)
Pole Position (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1433 words. Follow-on from With All the Trimmings, especially for
Lord of the Pies (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP, fluff. Spoilers through S1.04. More foodpr0n. 3500-ish words. For
duckyone, who totally asked for it. >3)
Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty (Brown Cortina, slash, Sam/Gene. 1,125 words. Co-written with
The Night After Chris-mas (Red Cortina, Sam/Chris. 837 words. Musical version of Roundabout, which was an interlude set after The Psycho!Samatic Cycle.)
One Better (Red Cortina, Annie/Phyllis, BDSM. 1200-ish words. Written in answer to a challenge from
Nuclear (Red Cortina, Sam/Annie. Set post-S2.08, spoilers up to and including the end of the series. 1499 words.)
Promises in the Dark (Red Cortina, psycho!Sam/Chris, musical, BDSM. 2815 words. Musical version of The Psycho!Samatic Cycle, written for
m31andy and
cuvalwen for their birthdays.)
Straw (Gen, Red Cortina. Spoilers through S2.01. 10,648 words. Dark dark darkity dark and full of horror.)
The Psycho!Samatic Cycle (RED CORTINA. Sam/Chris, but not quite as you know them. Very, very, AU. Warnings for psychological horror. Long and neverending. The fic AND the horror. Full list of fic in this series at the link above. Over 10,000 words in total. Co-written with
m31andy and occasionally
Surrogate (Crossover [Ashes to Ashes], Black Cortina/Black Quattro, Gen. BLACKEST OF BLACK HUMOUR. 225 words. Spurred on by a conversation with
Consider them spoiler-free unless spoilers are mentioned in the descriptions. Crossovers where a mention of what LoM is crossed over with are done that way for purposes of the stories involved. Happy reading!
I Lost My Cat! (Crossover [ALF], White Cortina, Gen. Crack. 123 words. Written for
operafloozy's cracky crossover challenge of doom.)
Surrogate (Crossover [Ashes to Ashes], Black Cortina/Black Quattro, Gen. BLACKEST OF BLACK HUMOUR. 225 words. Spurred on by a conversation with
Caro Diario (Crossover, Slightly stained-white Cortina, ecru maybe? Continuation of My Way or the Hyde Way, although it can be read separately.)
The Meaning of Friendship (Crossover [Sesame Street], Ecru Cortina, Gen. Crack. 262 words. I blame
Aim for the Head (Crossover, Gen. Missing scene. 362 words.)
Oogle my Labradoodle (Crossover [Top Gear], White Cortina, Gen, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRACK. 468 words. Written in response to a challenge from
m31andy for the First Kiss meme.)
Auditory Hallucinations (Crossover [Harry Potter], Slightly-stained White Cortina, Gen-ish. Crack. 503 words.)
Aftermath (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina. 856 words. HEAVY spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and through all of S3 of New Who. Darkness. Woe.)
Harry Potter and the It Was All Only a Dream (Crossover [Harry Potter], White Cortina, Gen. 926 words. Part of my
Harry Potter Fanfics We'd Rather Not Read series.)
Invitation Undreamt Of (Crossover [Twin Peaks], White Cortina, Gen. Part 1 of what was meant to be a series, but the rest hasn't been written yet. 1920 words.)
Lovers Walk (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and for S2.10 of New Who. 2293 words. Birthday fic for
Ten New Messages (1/2) (Crossover [A2A], Gen, Dark, angsty. Blue Cortina/Blue Quattro. Borrowed bunny from
Consider them spoiler-free unless spoilers are mentioned in the descriptions. Crossovers where a mention of what LoM is crossed over with are done that way for purposes of the stories involved. Happy reading!
Must Be a Board Meeting (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark and snarky. Spoilers through S2.08. 123 words.)
I Lost My Cat! (Crossover [ALF], White Cortina, Gen. Crack. 123 words. Written for
operafloozy's cracky crossover challenge of doom.)
Surrogate (Crossover [Ashes to Ashes], Black Cortina/Black Quattro, Gen. BLACKEST OF BLACK HUMOUR. 225 words. Spurred on by a conversation with
Feedback Loop (White Cortina, Gen. Spoilers through S2.06. 260-ish words.)
The Meaning of Friendship (Crossover [Sesame Street], Ecru Cortina, Gen. Crack. 262 words. I blame
Aim for the Head (Crossover, Gen. Missing scene. 362 words.)
Oogle my Labradoodle (Crossover [Top Gear], White Cortina, Gen, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRACK. 468 words. Written in response to a challenge from
m31andy for the First Kiss meme.)
Auditory Hallucinations (Crossover [Harry Potter], Slightly-stained White Cortina, Gen-ish. Crack. 503 words.)
Five Friends Sam Tyler Never Had (Green Cortina, Gen, 550 words.)
Five Professions Sam Tyler Had Previously Considered (Green Cortina, Gen, 589 words.)
So Rank the Stink of Shit (Blue Cortina, Gen, Crossover, snark. SPOILERS through S2.02. Gen. 667 words.)
Heaven Knows It's Got To Be This Time (Gen, hints of Sam/Annie, White Cortina. 816 words.)
A Midwinter Night's Dream (White Cortina, Gen, 861 words.)
Harry Potter and the It Was All Only a Dream (Crossover [Harry Potter], White Cortina, Gen. 926 words. Part of my
Harry Potter Fanfics We'd Rather Not Read series.)
Five Things Sam Tyler Swore He'd Never Do, But Did Anyway (Green Cortina, Gen. 942 words.)
My Way or the Hyde Way (Gen, White Cortina, 969 words. Goes with Caro Diario, but can be read separately.)
Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To (Green Cortina, Gen, 1032 words. Spoilers through S1.04. Somewhat-sequel to Five Women Ray Carling Dated.)
The World Uncertain Comes and Goes (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark. Angsty. 1200-ish words. Especially for
Invitation Undreamt Of (Crossover [Twin Peaks], White Cortina, Gen. Part 1 of what was meant to be a series, but the rest hasn't been written yet. 1920 words.)
Ten New Messages (1/2) (Crossover [A2A], Gen, Dark, angsty. Blue Cortina/Blue Quattro. Borrowed bunny from
Safe as Houses (Blue Cortina, Gene/Ruth. 416 words. Written in response to a challenge from
darthfi for the First Kiss meme.)
Heaven Knows It's Got To Be This Time (Gen, hints of Sam/Annie, White Cortina. 816 words.)
Missed Connections (BLT, Sam/Mobile/Maya, Blue Cortina. 862 words.)
Five Women Ray Carling Dated (Green Cortina, Ray/various. 1132 words. Prequel to Five Good Deeds Gene Never Admitted To.)
Nuclear (Red Cortina, Sam/Annie. Set post-S2.08, spoilers up to and including the end of the series. 1499 words.)
All the Time in the World (Blue Cortina, Sam/Warren. 260 words. Written in response to a challenge from
dorcas_gustine for the First Kiss meme.)
It's All in the Product Placement (Blue Cortina, Sam/Tony Crane, meta, crack. 564 words. Written in response to a challenge from
emeriin, for the First Kiss meme.)
Porny Porny Princess (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene (hints of Ray as well), crossdressing. Crack. 655 words. Follow-on from
Pretty Princess.)
With All the Trimmings (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Slashy-non-graphic overtones involving foodstuffs. 684 words. Prequel to Pole Position.)
The Rent Boy and the Fat Copper (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. Filk (poor Mr. Dodgson). Crack. 697.5 words.)
Under the Wire (Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Scene insert at the end of S2.01. 744 words.)
The Night After Chris-mas (Red Cortina, Sam/Chris. 837 words. Musical version of Roundabout, which was an interlude set after The Psycho!Samatic Cycle.)
From Hollow Into Light (Brown Cortina, Ray/Sam, complete and utter crack. For
usomitai. 1100-ish words.)
Home Remedy (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1198 words. Belated migraine cure for
Un Monde Parfait (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. PWP. 1222 words. Emergency pr0n for
Living Under Glass (Brown Cortina, AU of
Hookerverse series, with all the warnings that alone entails. Bit crack-y. 1300-ish words.)
Pole Position (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP. 1433 words. Follow-on from With All the Trimmings, especially for
Lovers Walk (Crossover [New Who], Blue Cortina, Sam/Gene. Spoilers through S2.08 of LoM and for S2.10 of New Who. 2293 words. Birthday fic for
Promises in the Dark (Red Cortina, psycho!Sam/Chris, musical, BDSM. 2815 words. Musical version of The Psycho!Samatic Cycle, written for
m31andy and
cuvalwen for their birthdays.)
Lord of the Pies (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene, PWP, fluff. Spoilers through S1.04. More foodpr0n. 3500-ish words. For
duckyone, who totally asked for it. >3)
The Psycho!Samatic Cycle (RED CORTINA. Sam/Chris, but not quite as you know them. Very, very, AU. Warnings for psychological horror. Long and neverending. The fic AND the horror. Full list of fic in this series at the link above. Over 10,000 words in total. Co-written with
Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty (Brown Cortina, slash, Sam/Gene. 1,125 words.)
One Better (Red Cortina, Annie/Phyllis, BDSM. 1200-ish words. Written in answer to a challenge from
Fijación Tactile (Blue Cortina, Gene/DeLorean. Crack. 223 words.)
Painted Blind (Blue Cortina, Sam/Apology. Cracky angst, or "crangst," as I like to call it. 701.2-ish words.)
Just Can't Get Enough (White Cortina, Sam/Mobile. 758 words.)
Missed Connections (BLT, Sam/Mobile/Maya, Blue Cortina. 862 words.)
Must Be a Board Meeting (Blue Cortina, Gen. Dark and snarky. Spoilers through S2.08. 123 words.)
I Lost My Cat! (Crossover [ALF], White Cortina, Gen. Crack. 123 words. Written for
operafloozy's cracky crossover challenge of doom.)
Caro Diario (Crossover, slightly stained-white Cortina, ecru maybe? Continuation of My Way or the Hyde Way, although it can be read separately.)
Fijación Tactile (Blue Cortina, Gene/DeLorean. Crack. 223 words.)
The Meaning of Friendship (Crossover [Sesame Street], Ecru Cortina, Gen. Crack. 262 words. I blame
Oogle my Labradoodle (Crossover [Top Gear], White Cortina, Gen, TOTAL AND COMPLETE CRACK. 468 words. Written in response to a challenge from
m31andy for the First Kiss meme.)
Auditory Hallucinations (Crossover [Harry Potter], Slightly-stained White Cortina, Gen-ish. Crack. 503 words.)
It's All in the Product Placement (Blue Cortina, Sam/Tony Crane, meta, crack. 564 words. Written in response to a challenge from
emeriin, for the First Kiss meme.)
Porny Porny Princess (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene (hints of Ray as well), crossdressing. Crack. 655 words. Follow-on from
Pretty Princess.)
The Rent Boy and the Fat Copper (Brown Cortina, Sam/Gene. Filk (poor Mr. Dodgson). Crack. 697.5 words.)
Painted Blind (Blue Cortina, Sam/Apology. Cracky angst, or "crangst," as I like to call it. 701.2-ish words.)
Just Can't Get Enough (White Cortina, Sam/Mobile. 758 words.)
The Night After Chris-mas (Red Cortina, Sam/Chris. 837 words. Musical version of Roundabout, which was an interlude set after The Psycho!Samatic Cycle.)
Harry Potter and the It Was All Only a Dream (Crossover [Harry Potter], White Cortina, Gen. 926 words. Part of my
Harry Potter Fanfics We'd Rather Not Read series.)
From Hollow Into Light (Brown Cortina, Ray/Sam, complete and utter crack. For
usomitai. 1100-ish words.)
Living Under Glass (Brown Cortina, AU of
Hookerverse series, with all the warnings that alone entails. Bit crack-y. 1300-ish words.)
Promises in the Dark (Red Cortina, psycho!Sam/Chris, musical, BDSM. 2815 words. Musical version of The Psycho!Samatic Cycle, written for
m31andy and
cuvalwen for their birthdays.)
The Psycho!Samatic Cycle (RED CORTINA. Sam/Chris, but not quite as you know them. Very, very, AU. Warnings for psychological horror. Long and neverending. The fic AND the horror. Full list of fic in this series at the link above. Over 10,000 words in total. Co-written with
Consider them spoiler-free unless spoilers are mentioned in the descriptions. Crossovers where a mention of what LoM is crossed over with are done that way for purposes of the stories involved. Happy reading!
The Psycho!Samatic Cycle (RED CORTINA. Sam/Chris, but not quite as you know them. Very, very, AU. Warnings for psychological horror. Long and neverending. The fic AND the horror. Full list of fic in this series at the link above.)
Five Alternate Uses Annie Had For Her Stinger (Blue Cortina, SPOILERS through S2.01. Warnings for Evil!Annie. 645 words.)
Five Times Annie Caught Gene and Sam Doing the Nasty (Brown Cortina, slash, Sam/Gene. 1,125 words.)
Note: Some further revision will be made regarding genre splits, but I thought it better to have this up now + fix it later. Just FYI. :)
Further note: No longer current as of 12/17/09. Actually, no longer current as of quite some time ago...there's a lot I should probably add here. Eeee.