Last week's House was that most dangerous of all shows: boring as hell. I would have loved to have hated it, but I didn't. I was just simply underwhelmed. Since the opposite of love isn't hate but rather indifference, I was wondering whether I was just about done with this show. This week's episode threatened to repeat the pattern, but my boy
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I've been collecting Big Finish audio plays because eBay is my evil enabler and the internet makes it way too easy to buy things from England. I'm really enjoying them, particularly now that the weather is starting to get warmer. If my children must roust me away from my computer, it's a comfort to get a fannish fix on my iPod while the kids play
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I was really proud of Sandy today. I'd helped her cut her speech down but she forgot part of it. No one could ever have guessed, however, because she trimmed it down on the fly and it sounded far better than it had when she was practicing it. More importantly, she KNEW where she was going to break off, so there were no awkward pauses to give any
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Sandy was chosen to represent her school in the speech division of the academic olympics. She found out last Friday that she'd have to memorize a speech and present it dramatically at some point. It turns out that "at some point" is tomorrow, as the Vice-Principal informed me half an hour ago. Sandy doesn't have the speech memorized and is
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The repair shop that had our coffee machine has gone out of business...while still holding on to our broken machine. *weeps* Out of options, we bought a new Krups but I feel vaguely unfaithful for not patiently waiting for my old, beloved machine. *sips hot, fresh coffee* And I'm over it
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Sandy went to a rather unusual birthday party last night. Parents were to drop the kids off in Chinatown for dinner and then the entire party was going to go to a hotel for a sleepover. (The parents rented a suite for the night and put the girls in sleeping bags, but I still think that's a lot of money for a thirteenth birthday. But I digress
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