I just got an email from SETI, a foundation that I've always wanted to work for and have always supported. Apparently funding is being cut in Arecibo. Click the link to print out and send letters to congress to save it please! It can be a birthday gift to me!
So, I walk into work today and they re-did the network. My computer is fine, but my co-worker's is all screwed to hell. The oddest problem is that the start menu will not apear. At all. Even when pressing the windows key. No little gray bar. Any ideas on how to fix this??
OK, so, My laptop keeps overheating after a half hour on the net. Anyone have any idea how i can fix this without sending it back to the manufacturer??
"Then the andel said to the women in rely, "Do not be afraid! I know that you are here seeking Jesus the crucifid. He is not here, for he has been raised just as he said." ~Matthew 28:5-6