Title: Summer evening Pairing: Ohkura Tadayoshi x OC Genre: Crack Plot: Ohkura finds his big love during one of evening walks A/N: This is my first fanfic, nah, so anyone who will read this: don't be scared of language fails etc XD
Yeah, I write it somehow as a reply for the previous entry.. but I need a break in learning for Psychology exam (and I think I got a little bit crazy because of all day learning, but don't worry 'bout me~)
Yeah.. I am not an expert, and still, it's only my first year so I don't want to make u any lectures xd. So don't be affraid of the entry's title XDD ( the answer is: find yourself a really stupid hobby )
Okay, maybe I shouldn't write when I am not in the mood but today... I don't realy remember the last time when I felt so much confused & frustrated in one moment, but only two things in the world can make me feel better now XD And writing a note is one of them.