im fucking fucked on my laptop and its great because its day light only cal bum isnt here so :( sad face i miss him. its like its 12pm weird. traa, i must sleep or i wot be awakw when callum gra nt gets here to shmuggle me!!!!/xxxxxxxxx
I stalled in the middle of a goddamn busy roundabout. A ROUNDABOUT. I can do all the STUPID maneuvers, but can I do a simple-everyday-run-of-the-mill gear change when I really need to?
Only 10 more days until my birthday. 10 more days of being 18, and then I'll be old. OLD. Im still in Switzerland, btw, missing lots of lectures. The party idea isnt seeming so great anymore, I might just drag whoever I can out to the garage. To be honest I cant really be bothered doing anything, birthdays always go so horribly wrong.
HAHHAHHAHHAH!!! you know how i said id done something to the keyboard and the font on all internet pages had doubled in size?? Tessa jumped on it and its BACK! Back to being small. She ripped a bit of my scarf on the way down but thats another story.