The Destruction of Yabumama's Soul

Sep 28, 2009 14:44

Title: The Destruction of Yabumama's Soul (or 5 times Ryutaro shocked JUMP by being not as innocent as they thought he was)
Author: hotfruits
Rating: PG-13
Character/Pairing: Ryutaro-centric. HSJ. Hikato, Takabu, Ryoda and sorta Ryutaro/Ryo? *shot*
Summary: Ryutaro isn't as innocent as they thought he was.
Warnings: sad!Yabumama, perverted!Hikaru, extremely!evil!Nishikido and the all around awkward crack that comes from being a fourteen year old boy.

AN: The whole Nishikido thing is a reference to another story I wrote, but you don't really need to read it in order to understand what's going on.
Written for the HSJ-thon 09

x-posted at jent_fanfics, heysay_fanfic and hsj_fics


Ryutaro came into the practice room after school, and threw his heavy backpack onto the table. With a big depressing sigh, he unzipped it and spilled the contents out, text books and note books hitting the table with a thud. Grabbing one of these books, he opened it and began to read.

"A lot of homework today?" Ryutaro turned around to see Yabu smiling at him and Inoo giving him a sympathetic look, "Cause ya know, I can help you!"

"That's okay Yabuma- er, Yabu," Ryutaro snickered, "It's pretty easy stuff, I can do it on my own."

Yabu nodded sadly, eyes watering as his lip began to tremble, "That's right, big boys like you don't help." Yabu ran away and into Takaki's arms, wailing loudly, "I've become so useless!"

Ryutaro sighed, smacking his forehead, "That's not it Yabu, of course I need you. It's just that this homework is for my sex-ed class, so it's pretty simple."

"Sex-ed?" Yabu lifted his head from Takaki's chest, sniffling, "But, but...MY BABY CAN'T BE LEARNING ABOUT SEX ALREADY!" he screamed, burying his face into Takaki's neck and soaking his shirt.

Inoo laughed and Ryutaro banged his head against the table.


Fluffing his hair one last time, Takaki smiled into the mirror and walked towards the other members, "Hey guys, what do you think of my hair? I'm trying a new look."

A chorus of "It looks good!" came from most of the members, except for Chinen who squealed, "You're so handsome!" and Hikaru, who yelled out in his broken English, "Oh, sexy girlfriend!"

The only who hadn't spoken was Ryutaro, a thoughtful look on his face as he rested his chin in his palm, humming quietly to himself every few seconds.

"Well?" Takaki asked, his voice rising in pitch from worry, "What do you think Ryutaro?"

Ryutaro tilted his head to the side, "It looks like you just had crazy hot sex."

Takaki blinked and everyone turned to Ryutaro, gaping at him til Takaki smiled and exclaimed, "Oh my God that was totally my motive too!"

A collective sound of palm smacking forehead echoed throughout the room.


It was average day for Hey!Say!JUMP. Ryutaro was running through the halls, trying to find his hamster who escaped from it's hamster ball. Takaki was primping in front of the mirror, while Chinen watched in awe and commented on Takaki's gorgeous complexion and beautiful physique. Daiki sat on the couch next to Inoo, fuming silently as he gave Takaki the evil eye. Inoo worked on his homework, snickering occasionally at his friend. Yabu was yelling at Hikaru for a prank he pulled, but his friend ignored him, opting instead to hug Keito who acted like he was annoyed, but everyone knew he loved the affection. Last, there was Yuto and Yamada, who were playing a hand game as they chatted about life.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Ryutaro ran in, holding his hamster close to his chest, "I think Nishikido-kun is going to kill me."

"Let me guess," Hikaru laughed, "You saw him and Ueda-kun making out."

Ryutaro shook his head, "No, I saw him giving Ueda-kun a blowjob wearing a girl's uniform."

"How do you know what a blowjob is?" Yabu shrieked, "WHAT ARE THEY TEACHING YOUR INNOCENT MIND IN THAT SEX-ED CLASS!?"

Ryutaro rolled his eyes and closed the door, "I knew what a bj was before sex-ed, sheesh."

Everyone sighed as Yabu fainted, except for Ryutaro who just shrugged and cooed at his hamster.


"So, I was talking to Kamenashi-kun about this movie I liked, and he said he had a movie like that one that I would really enjoy."

"You're gross," Keito rolled his eyes, trying to hide his shiver as Hikaru starred at him hungrily, "Why do you even watch those, anyways?"

Before Hikaru could respond, Ryutaro piped up from his spot on the couch, "Cause you don't put out."

Chinen, who was sitting on Ryutaro's lap, turned around and smacked him, "Ryutaro, that was not polite! Apologize, now."

"Sorry," Ryutaro muttered and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting like a small child.

Hikaru and Keito exchanged frightened looks, and were able to silently agree to never mention this incident to Yabumama.


Wrapping a scarf around his neck, Ryutaro nervously entered the practice room. Seeing that everyone was there, his nerves went up even higher and he began to sweat, hoping no one would notice his stranger behavior.

"Ryutaro, why are you wearing a scarf? It's way too hot, and you're sweating." Yamada said, pointing at his glistening forehead, "Are you okay?"

"Fine!" Ryutaro squeaked, "Totally fine and it's not hot, not at all!"

"Um," Yuto exchanged confused glances with Daiki, "You sure about that?"

"Stop asking questions!" Ryutaro yelled, flailing his arms madly, "I'm fine!"

Everyone backed away, except for Hikaru who giggled, "What, do you have a love bite under that scarf or something?"

No response came from Ryutaro as he blushed, "Oh my God!" Hikaru raised his hands over his mouth, horrified, "You do!"

"It's not a big deal!" Ryutaro shouted and ran away, leaving his members gaping wide eyed at his retreating back (except for Yabu who was sobbing once again on Takaki).


Elsewhere, Nishikido-kun smirked evilly as he swirled his cup of red wine, before taking a long drink from it. Ueda-kun sighed and asked, "Did you really have to give that kid a hickey? I mean he's what, fourteen?"

"It's a warning," Nishikido-kun replied, evil aura surrounding him, "I will get revenge on Yaotome-kun, if it's the last thing I do."

Ueda smacked his forehead, muttering to himself, "I should have stuck with Bakanishi."

g: hey! say! jump, r: pg-13, x: humor, l: one-shot

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