I haven't seen one of these in a while and I thought I might be fun. It's August 18/19 depending where you live right now... I'd post up a bunch of idea/fic prompts like the one I participated in before. I'd also accept suggestions. The writer whose fic has the most comments would receive as a reward a fic written by me with the pairing of their choice. I will probably announce the favorite fic on Ueda's birthday sometime on October 4th Pacific coast time.
Anyone interested? I wrote a fic because I was bored and there are so many good writers out there. stretch the limits of your creativity and explore the depths of your imagination. It could be a wild ride so please JUMP in and hang on tight. Lets Fly!
Fic Prompts
1. 5 Times Chii got spoiled + 1 time Chi spoiled someone
2. 5 Yuto almost kissed Chii + 1 time he succeeded
3. 5 time Chii denied Takaki sex + 1 time he gave in
4. 5 times Inoo stalked Hikaru + 1 time he attacked him
5. 5 time Ryutaro got flirted with by a JUMP member + 1 time he flirted back
6. 5 times Keito confessed to Hikaru + 1 time Hikaru confessed back
7. 5 times Chii almost dragged Takaki into a closet + 1 time he did
8. 5 dreams Keito had of Yuto + 1 time he wasn’t dreaming
daichanlove's version 9. 5 times Inoo almost ended up in bed with Yabu + 1 time he did
10. 5 times Yuto saw okayama + 1 time he joined
daichanlove's version 11. 5 times Chii saw a BEST orgy + 1 time he joined
daichanlove's version 12. 5 times Yamada got a role Yuto wanted + 1 time Yuto stole a role Yamada wanted
13. 5 times Keito almost got in a drama with Daiki + 1 time he succeeded
14. 5 roles Inoo should have play + 1 he did
15. 5 times Yamada ended up in a dress + 1 time Yuto did
ladestiny92's version16. 5 times Chii resisted the urge to sit in someone’s lap + 1 time he did
17. 5 times Chii fanboys Ohno + 1 time Ohno fanboys Chii
18. 5 times Inoo get locked in a closet on accident + 1 time he does it on purpose
19. 5 times Hikaru get scared + 1 time he has to be brave
hotfruits' version 20. 5 times Takaki, Daiki and Inoo wished Ya-Ya-Yah debuted instead *gets shot*
hibinoasami's version21. 5 times Inoo get jealous of Yabu + 1 time Yabu was jealous of Inoo
22. 5 times Inoo was tempted to write fanfiction + 1 time he did
kusanobabe05's version23. 5 times Yabu wanted to kiss Chii + 1 time he did
daichanlove's version 24. 5 times Daiki decided dating Hikaru was better then dating a girl + 1 time Hikaru was glad to be Daiki’s boyfriend
25. 5 times Inoo denied he was dating Hikaru + 1 time he admitted it
26. 5 times Chii made Yamada blush + 1 time Yamada made Chii blush
kusanobabe05's version27. 5 times Ryutaro hated to be the baby + 1 time he liked it
28. 5 times Yuto got spoiled by Kame + 1 time he spoiled Kame
29. 5 times Tackey tried to replace Tsubasa with Yabu + 1 time he succeeded
30. 5 times HSJ gets called childish by NEWS + 1 time NEWS joins them
31. 5 times HSJ was crazier then Kanjani8
32. 5 ways to kidnap a HSJ member
akira-amie-yuki's version33. 5 times Takaki was mistaken for Akanishi Jin + 1 time it really was Jin
urufuchinen's version 34. 5 times Yabu sneaks into bed with Hikaru + 1 time Hikaru sneaks into bed with Yabu
35. 5 times Keito wishes he'd stayed in England + 1 time he was glad to come back to Japan
36. 5 times Yuto hates being so tall + 1 time he is glad about it
37. 5 times Inoo tries to be more manly + 1 time it works
38. 5 times Daiki has to perform with Hey!Say! 7 instead of BEST
39. 5 times Hikaru considers asking Johnny to fix his teeth
40. 5 times Ryutaro kicks Shintaro out of HSJ's dressing room + 1 time he lets him stay
41. 5 times somebody tried to take care of Yabu + 1 time he let them
42. 5 times Yamada steals the strawberry from a BEST member's cake + 1 time somebody gives it to him
43. 5 times Takaki wished he was Yamada + 1 time he was
44. 5 times Inoo trips + 1 time Hikaru catches him
45. 5 times Inoo strips + 1 time Hikaru watches
baked_macaroni9's version46. 5 times Hikaru trips + 1 time it's because of Daiki
47. 5 times Hikaru scares Daiki + 1 time Daiki got him back
48. 5 times Daiki wishes to grow a little more
49. 5 times Daiki waits for Yamada
daichanlove's version 50. 5 days Keito is too distracted to play the guitar
51. 5 times Keito is a gentlemen towards + 1 time not so much
52. 5 times Keito saw Yuto half-naked + 1 time he took advantage
daichanlove's version53. 5 strawberries Yamada didn't want to eat
54. 5 strawberries Yamada didn't get to eat
55. 5 hugs/kisses Yuto wanted + 1 he got
56. 5 times Yuto had to choose between Keito and Yamada + 1 time he didn't
daichanlove's version57. 5 times Chinen was win a+ 1 time Yamada was fail
58. 5 times Ryutaro seduced JUMP by accident
hotfruits' version59. 5 times Ryutaro cried + 1 time it was because of Daiki
60. 5 times Shintaro tripped JUMP
61.5 times Hey Say BEST protect Chinen from being molested by their sempais + I time THEY molested Chinen.
62. 5 times Yamada failed to out-sexy Yamapi + 1 time he succeeded.
63. 5 times Yamada made Chinen cry + 1 time HS Jump reprimand Yamada for it.
64. 5 times Chinen's cute pout did not work.
65. 5 times HSJ break Shintaro & Ryutaro's fight + 1 time they let them kill/ fight each other.
66. 5 times Chinen have to eat eggplant + 1 time Yamada eat it for him.
chiyakenyu's version 67. 5 times YabuMama gets advice from KoyaMama
hibinoasami's version68. 5 ways to wake up a very sleepy Daiki
daichanlove’s version 69. 5 ways to distract Inoo from studying.
daichanlove’s version70. 5 tricks Tegoshi taught Chii.
71. 5 ways to make Hikaru shut up.
72. 5 scandals that ALMOST got HSJ suspended by Johnny
73. 5 times Yuto brought his brother to work.
74. 5 ways to make Yamada sweat
75. 5 times Hikaru made Keito cosplay for him + 1 time Hikaru cosplayed for him
76. 5 times Keito avoided Hikaru + 1 time Hikaru cornered him
77. 5 ways to charms Keito
78. 5 times Hikaru tried to get Keito's attention + 1 time he didn't have to try
79. 5 times Hikaru caught Keito with Yuto
80. 5 secrets Ohno told Chii
urufuchinen's version 81. 5 times Hikaru clung on to Keito + 1 time Keito clung to Hikaru
82. 5 times Hikaru chose Keito over Yabu
kimmu-chan/foukay's version 83. 5 times Yamada tried to go for Keito + 1 time Takaki got jealous
84. 5 times Daiki saves Yamada + 1 times Yamada saves Daiki
85. 5 times Yuto feels replaces as Kame's little brother + 1 time he didn't
86. 5 secrets Keito kept from JUMP + 1 he shared
87. 5 Times Yamada and Takaki did an ero dance together + 1 Time it lead to something more
88. 5 Times Yamada hits on Takaki
89. 5 Times Takaki spoils Yamada
90. 5 Times Yamada rips his shirt
91. 5 Times Daiki doesn't think it's bad to be shorter than Ryutaro
92. 5 Times Ryutaro has a costume malfunction
93. 5 Times Ryutaro apologizes to Shintaro
94. 5 Times Yuto glomps Chinen
95. 5 Times Yabu acts like a playboy
96. 5 Times Hikaru acts like a badass
97. 5 Times Inoo tells a lie
98. 5 Times Keito spazzed
99. 5 Times Keito missed Yuto
100. 5 times Ryutaro shocked JUMP by being not as innocent as they thought he was
hotfruits' version 101. 5 times BEST thought Keito was sexy
102. 5 times Chinen didn't fanboy over Ohno
103. 5 times Inoo helped a JUMP member with homework + 1 time a JUMP member helped him
104. 5 times JUMP called Yabu 'Yabumama' to his face + 1 time they called Hikaru 'Hikapapa'
105. 5 times Ryutaro caused a JUMP member to cry + 1 time a JUMP member made him cry
106. 5 times Keito swore in English + 1 time he swore in Japanese
107. 5 times Yuto asked Jin for sex advice + 1 time the sex advice worked
108. 5 times Takaki saw Tegoshi hooking up with someone + 1 time he hooked up with Tegoshi
109. 5 secrets Keito kept from JUMP and 1 secret he shared
hotfruits' version110. 5 times Yabu caught TakaYama doing their 'thing' + 1 time TakaYama caught YamaBu
111. 5 times Yamada needed his glasses + 1 time he didn't need them
112. 5 times Chinen was sick + 1 time Chinen made Yamada sick
113. 5 times Yabu is afraid for Inoo + 1 time Yabu scared Inoo
114. 5 times JUMP fights over a fanletter + 1 time they didn't
115. 5 times the cat got Chinen's tongue
116. 5 times Yabu ask tips on how to seduce Shoon from Bakanishi + 1 time Bakanishi's tip worked
117. 5 times Shoon choose candies over Yabu + 1 time Shoon choose Yabu over candies
118. 5 times Yabu was annoyed by Inoo + 1 time Yabu misses him badly
119. 5 times YamaBu caught Ueda crying + 1 time YamaBu confronts Ryo that makes Ryo shiver
Feel free to post suggestions because I couldn't come up with many I tried to be original lols.
Post links to your contributions [fics] in a comment and I will post a link here. More then one person may attempt a prompt. multiple interpretations are fun.
Prompts 33-42 credit to baked_macaroni9
prompts 43-60 credit to akira_amie_yuki
Prompts 61-74 credit to lilyuri
Prompts 75-84 credit to kimmu-chan/foukay
Prompt 85 credit to anon-chan
Prompt 86-109 from hotfruits
Prompt 110 from natsuki_suzu
Prompts 111-115 from chiyakenyu
Prompts 116-119 from anonymous