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Oct 19, 2005 15:07

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1) If kalvadar and silverfrost424 were spliced together, what would it be like? Um... African Asian Transsexual
2) Where was gloomyday born? Louisiana?
3) Would my_synergy go out with liath_roisin? maybe?
4) Is poppyseedaddict related to sefiroth? Not to my knowledge
5) Does peterfish travel a lot? Hopefully
6) If baloo141 commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Everyone!
7) Is aerianna friends with my_synergy? Hmmm. That would be odd
8) What is baloo141's favorite band/artist? ...?
9) One thing you can't stand about dre_phd? He's in Mass.
10) What exotic animal would vocalbob like as a pet? Giraffe
11) Do azure_zephyr and azure_zephyr go to the same school? Yes!
12) What comic book character would yellowgurl337 be? SuperWoman
13) How would platnumnolia504 kill choppastyle? With mad free-style skillz.
14) What rank would aerianna have in a giant robot army? private :P
15) Which of your friends should lsmsaconan go out with? All the hot shawties
16) Is nobleseoblige popular? ...?
17) What is sefiroth's favorite game? Poker :)
18) Does djjango do drugs? Possibly
19) Is tennisnick related to you? Nope
20) If hottwinkyboi18 and m2a0r0k4us were siamese twins, where would they be joined? by the ear
21) What animal does tophead4 remind you of? panda?
22) Where was vocalbob born? there
23) Do you have gloomyday's screenname? gloomyday...?
24) What would twocobi think of my_synergy? nice hair
25) Is dr_charlie 1337? yes
26) What would poppyseedaddict give liath_roisin for his/her birthday? a popsicle
27) Is caffeineod a high school student? nopers
28) How tall is silverfrost424? 5'6'?
29) Is yellowgurl337 athletic? Volleyball!
30) Would megthorne and liath_roisin look good together? If they were so inclined
31) Have you flirted with paranoid_highly? not to my knowledge... no offense "P
32) What is lsmsaconan's favorite movie? Oh crap. He likes all kinds
33) One quality you find attractive in cleverjamaal? Hugs.
34) nobleseoblige's eye color? blue?
35) Are my_synergy and aerianna married? Dr. Hynes wouldn't like that...
36) What word best describes tophead4? cool
37) Thoughts on kalvadar? awesome
38) What would you do if you found out mordechai18 has a crush on you? hit him.
39) When did you last call jonatahgypsy? never ever
40) Has desserts4me been to your house/dorm? back in lsmsa...
41) Does baristashell drink? she drinks coffee :)
42) What flavor of jello would ragin_yankee be? the best flavor
43) Has lsmsaconan dyed their hair? no, he shaved it!
44) What planet should ragin_yankee be from? earth
45) What is azure_zephyr's favorite color? purple?
46) Are vocalbob and tennisnick going out? hahahahaha
47) Could you see megthorne and nobleseoblige together? don't really know the latter...
48) Would you set up baloo141 and aslin? hmm. nah.
49) What animal should my_synergy be combined with? unicorn
50) If cut_cre8 was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? the Man
51) Is poppyseedaddict in a relationship? I unno
52) How long have you known peterfish? about 3 years
53) If kalvadar took over the world, who would be happy? No one and everyone. Ponder that.
54) Would lsmsaconan and interdictor make a good couple? haha.. nah.
55) What do you disagree with peterfish about? hmmm. not much
56) Where did you first meet aliciaw715? lsmsa... what what
57) What is kalvadar's favorite food? chef wok! duh!
58) If djjango were hanging off a cliff, what would caffeineod do? offer him coffee
59) Is dre_phd your best friend? he's pretty high up there in my list of people to stay friends with
60) Where would aerianna most like to visit? reality?
61) Which president would jcfallenangel9 be likely to idolize? Bush... ha ha ha.... that's a joke. get it?
62) Is lsmsaconan dead sexy? oh yeah.
63) Does hichow have a dog? hichow is a dog
64) If dips6286 and choppastyle were spliced together, what would be its name? dipany
65) What is caffeineod allergic to? chocolate
66) What languages does m2a0r0k4us speak? leet
67) Do you have a crush on lsmsaconan? i did last april *wink*
68) What mental disorder does djjango remind you of? narcolepsy
69) Is brokedanced an emo? maybe?
70) If tennisnick had a superpower, what would it be? doesn't he already have one?
71) What video game does platnumnolia504 remind you of? GTA
72) Does peterfish know dips6286? yes
73) What color should blueboybob dye their hair? blue
74) Would you make out with m2a0r0k4us? he's married! and I'm chavo'd
75) Would you wrestle djjango in jello? um... yes.
76) What do you agree with yellowgurl337 about? a lot of things, i'm sure
77) How would twocobi conquer the world? with her mad program skillz
78) Do you think vijaythedj is hot? who doesn't?
79) Does brokedanced have a crush on jonatahgypsy? yes
80) Does nobleseoblige go to your school? no?
81) dips6286's hair color? black
82) What is m2a0r0k4us's biggest flaw? he's flawless
83) Is smileiluvya17 introverted or extroverted? extroverted.. duh
84) Are flowerchica00 and kalvadar going steady? they're unsteady
85) Would you ever date lsmsaconan? we did. last april!
86) How long would yellowgurl337 dating vocalbob last? -.2 seconds
87) What song/movie would you recommend to liath_roisin? styx- mr. roboto
88) What would you do if kalvadar died? cease to exist
89) Is megthorne single? nopers
90) Did mark_the_spot break up with you? nopers
91) Does aliciaw715 smoke? don't think so
92) Is ragin_yankee a nerd? a hott nerd!
93) What would missm_717 do differently in your shoes? be a nerd
94) What is azure_zephyr's shoe size? 7?
95) Does dr_charlie have a big secret? probably
96) Have you ever dated dre_phd? only in my wildest dreams
97) How many monkeys could 2midnight_iris2 fight at once and win against? 19
98) If nobleseoblige took over the world, who would suffer? no one and everyone.
99) Is aliciaw715 a college student? yeppers
100) Would twocobi be a better ninja or pirate? oh crap. ninja
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