Your reviews are right on. This was the first Hairy Botter film I liked. The kid actors were mostly good this time, and the ones who weren't (coughHERMOINEcough) at least didn't have many lines. Live Free Or Die Hard was excellent but why do they have to call it 4.0 in Europe? I liked that the bad guy is vulnerable in that both McClane AND the audience know better than he does, that he is in over his head. Kinda like Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator. Anyway, excellent film.
Also, Snaggleblanca. Snaggle Trek III: The Search For Snaggle. Buffy The Vampire Snaggle. Snaggles On A Plane. Snagglezen Kane. Snagglacus. I could do this all day...
Thanks Morgie! Well, Gabriel started off as being in total control but you know once he starts talking to McClane on the phone that he's totally fucked. That said, his phone voice is dreamy so McClane had to have been tough to resist. Waxworks.
Live Free or Die Snaggle, The Snaggle of Zorro, The Hunt For Snaggle October, 2 Snaggle 2 Furious.
I generally agree with your round-up, but Snakes On A Plane was fun to watch and just laugh at, whilst Harry Pitter-Patter 5 still didn't get me involved with it. The previous one was better I thought, but then, I'm not sure if I've enjoyed any of them. The bad guy in Die Hard was too bland, and there should have been more tragic disasters from his actions. Overall I enjoyed it though, and the trailers for it were awful. Roll on number 5!
Snaggle Trek VI: The Unsnaggled Country. Lethal Snaggle. Withsnaggle & I. Annie Snaggle. Live Free Or Snaggle Hard. The Bourne Snaggle.
Comments 4
Also, Snaggleblanca. Snaggle Trek III: The Search For Snaggle. Buffy The Vampire Snaggle. Snaggles On A Plane. Snagglezen Kane. Snagglacus. I could do this all day...
Live Free or Die Snaggle, The Snaggle of Zorro, The Hunt For Snaggle October, 2 Snaggle 2 Furious.
John McClane: You sound like a very scary guy.
Lock Stock And Two Smoking Snaggles, The Seven Snagglai, Snaggliator, Asnagglypse Now, Bram Stoker's Snaggula, My Fair Snaggle, Snaggle Royale.
Snaggle Trek VI: The Unsnaggled Country. Lethal Snaggle. Withsnaggle & I. Annie Snaggle. Live Free Or Snaggle Hard. The Bourne Snaggle.
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