Hookups and Emoticons [25]

May 05, 2010 18:26

Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin, HyukSu
Length: [25/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz

Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~

Master Post


Chapter 25: Arm-Draping and Lucky Bibimbap

November 28, Saturday, 7:02PM

***Yunbi has signed in

Yunbi: OMG

***SUnny has signed in

***Chunderful has signed in

SUnny: Yunnie! :D

Chunderful: DUDE???


Chunderful: Aren't you supposed to be making out with Jae's face in an hour?????


SUnny: :o Joongie doesn't like non-punctuality, Yun! >:o Get your booty over to his house now!

Yunbi: OMG. Guys....I still don't know what I'm going to do.

Chunderful: Junsu.

SUnny: Yes? :D

Chunderful: He's such a loser.

SUnny: Agreed, Chunnie~ :'D

Yunbi: PLEASE help me!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Tell me what to do!!

Chunderful: Tell me, tell me, t-t-t-t-t-tell me~

SUnny: xD

Yunbi: You guys, I'm DYING here!

SUnny: Well someone should've thought about that before he asked poor Joongie out on a date without knowing what the hell he was doing! >:|

Yunbi: Oh, well, SOMEONE should've used his dried up potato of a brain before he set me up a date with Joongie FOR ME without TELLING ME what the hell I was supposedly doing

Chunderful: Ouch. Gotcha agree with that one, Su.

SUnny: ._. I thought you weren't mad at me anymore! x'O

Yunbi: I'm not, man. Just....help.....please?

SUnny: Okay! <3

Chunderful: No problem.

SUnny: Take him scuba diving :3

Chunderful: WTF????

Yunbi: Su, are you being serious?

SUnny: Of course! I've always wanted to go scuba diving. It'd be perfect!

Chunderful: Ah, well, this summer I'll get a job and save up enough money to take you, Su.

SUnny: Omg, furrealz???? 8D

Chunderful: :)

SUnny: <333333333333

Yunbi: ....

Yunbi: This isn't about YOUR love problems, Yoochun, this is about ME.

SUnny: o.o

SUnny: PFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHA! x'D My Chunnie doesnt have "love problems." x'DD

Chunderful: ...

Yunbi: ...

Yunbi: Pitiful, man. Pitiful.

Chunderful: Shut up. We're talking about your dying love life, not my pitiful nonexistence one

SUnny: xD

Yunbi: Aish. Everyone just shut up and help me out!!

Chunderful: Well! With that kind of attitude, I find it difficult to comply. Hmph!

SUnny: Yeah, and how are we supposed to shut up and help you at the same time? o.O"

Yunbi: AISH!! I've got to leave in less than 20 minutes to meet Jaejoong before 8 so I can take him on a dream date I've got no clue how to give him. HELP ME!

SUnny: I thought your date started at 9 =.=

Yunbi: Omg. Please, god, let me die.

Chunderful: *sigh* Okay, okay. Just ignore him. How much money do you have with you?

Yunbi: Ahh, I dunno maybe a handful of 20s? My dad pays me for helping out at his job

Chunderful: Ahh.....that much, huh?

SUnny: o.o

Chunderful: Welllllllll, if you really, REALLY want my help, you'll have to help ME out a lil bit....if you know what I mean......*wink*wink*

Yunbi: Um, sure, man, but I want to make sure I have enough to spend on Jaejoong tonight.

SUnny: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! DDDDDDD8< CHUNNIE, I will rip out your tonsils and grill them in hot sauce if you try to sponge money out of my Yunho!!!!!!!!!!! DO YOU HEAR ME?!??!??!!? RIP THEM OUT!!

Chunderful: o.o" Shit...

Yunbi: ....So....no money, then?

SUnny: NO! D8<

Chunderful: *gulp* I guess not........

Yunbi: Aw, come on! Then, what's it gonna take to get you to help me?

SUnny: He's gonna help for free! :D

SUnny: RIGHT, Chunnie????? D<

Chunderful: Right. Damn it.....

SUnny: Yay! <3

SUnny: o.o Um, what was the problem again?


SUnny: >.< Ack!

Chunderful: I told you, Yunho. Just ignore him.

SUnny: Don't ignore meh!! DD< I hate that!

Chunderful: So, it seems like you've got enough money to be comfortable tonight, so don't worry. If you can pay for dinner and a movie, you'll be fine. Long walks on the beach are free~

Yunbi: But but but which restaurant do I take him to???

Yunbi: Is he allergic to shellfish??

Yunbi: What about tomatoes?

Yunbi: Water??

Yunbi: What if the restaurant smells funny??

SUnny: o_o

Yunbi: What if the waiter is rude??

Yunbi: What if the waiter looks at my Jaejoong all perverted and stuff and takes him in the back and rapes him??

Yunbi: What if Jaejoong likes it??

Chunderful: Dude...

Yunbi: Should I rape him, too???

Yunbi: But I'm not ready, yet. I don't even have lube.

Yunbi: But do you need lube when you're raping your date?

Yunbi: Wait, why am I thinking about raping Jaejoong on our first date?? What's wrong with me??

Chunderful: Ummmmmmmm

Yunbi: And what do I do in the movie theater????

Yunbi: Do I drape my arm around him during the scary parts???

Yunbi: What if the movie is a comedy??

Yunbi: WHEN do I do some arm-draping???

Chunderful: Junsu, you didn't tell me he could type that fast

SUnny: O_O I didn't know, either...

Yunbi: You guys aren't helping and I am officially FREAKING OUT. Jaejoong needs to have the PERFECT date or else I will DIE. DIE!

SUnny: O_O Yunnie...calm down...you're never not calm.....CHUNNIE! Why is Yunho not calm??? T.T

Chunderful: I don't fucking know! He's your friend!

SUnny: But he's yours now, too T.T

Chunderful: You know him better than me!

SUnny: But he doesn't ignore you >.>

SUnny: Or hit you in the head when you ask a slightly irregular question.....<.<

Yunbi: You know stupid questions bug me.....

SUnny: Asking why Coca-Cola is brown ish NOT a stupid question! It's just "slightly irregular." D< I was curious~


Chunderful: Hey, man. These are the consequences of having Su for a friend. You must deal with them. *sigh* Don't worry. Many people are suffering as well~

Yunbi: Just tell me what to do! I've got less than 10 minutes to get my ass out the door and sweep Jaejoong off his feet!

SUnny: O.O Ahh~ Yun's dirty mouth has been revealed....

Chunderful: What? Doesn't he ever use words like 'ass?'

SUnny: Psssh! He won't even say 'damn.' xD I was actually surprised when he typed 'hell' earlier. o.o He says such words are uncivilized and necessary or some shit like that.

Chunderful: Seriously??

SUnny: Seriously :|

Yunbi: Guys......

Chunderful: Does 'cock' bother him? I remember teaching him cock factor and he was following along pretty well.....til his mom walked in x'D

SUnny: O.O Cock factor??? Teaching??? Mom??? What did I miss???

Yunbi: Guys?

Chunderful: OH MAN, it was funnnnnnny!! x'D I literally almost pissed my pants when he told me his mom walked in on him screaming stuff like, "JAEJOONG IS MIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE!!!!!!!!!! OMG, YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS" xDDDDD

SUnny: OMG no way! 8D

Chunderful: I will take that memory to my grave~ Thanks, Yunho

Yunbi: GUYS!

SUnny: o.o

Chunderful: What??

Yunbi: ......Do you two want to see me cry......?

SUnny: O__O Oh shit.

Chunderful: What the.....?

Yunbi: Cuz I can't see any other reason why you would want to torture me like this.....

SUnny: Omo...O.O Yunnie.....?

Chunderful: Good lord, he's broken.....

Yunbi: WHY can't my life be normal???????

SUnny: Psst! Chun! Do you think he's really crying at his computer??? O_O

Chunderful: ....I don't know, man. I don't know.....o.o" But it's pretty funny xD

SUnny: *smacks you* D<

Yunbi: My life was a whole lot less FRUSTRATING before Jaejoong's sexy, smiling face walked into it. Is love supposed to give me pimples??? Cuz my face is a wreck

SUnny: Ewz o.O

Chunderful: Hahahahhahahahahah!!! x'DD

Yunbi: OMG! I'm not even dressed yet. Do I wear a button up shirt or a T-shirt?


SUnny: Button up! :D

Yunbi: OMG. But if I wear a button up, do I leave the top 2 unbuttoned?? Or maybe 3?? Crap, I need to leave in 5 minutes. CRAP.

Chunderful: Just leave the whole thing unbuttoned *sexy growl*

Yunbi: Really?? You don't think that's too sleazy??

SUnny: CHUNNIE! DD:< That's horrible advice!

Chunderful: HAHAHHAHAHHAAHA!! This is awesomely entertaining xDDD

Yunbi: So, no buttons unbuttoned? Should I just button up the whole shirt?? Will Jaejoong like that???

SUnny: o.O Could you even breathe with it all the way buttoned......Wait. How did we go from date-rape waiters to shirt buttons?? >.>

Yunbi: SHIT

SUnny: O_O


Yunbi: I'm gonna be late!!!!

SUnny: It's only 20 minutes til 8.....

Yunbi: EXACTLY! I have to drive through traffic to get to Jae's house!111

SUnny: ...

Yunbi: OMG OMG

SUnny: =.=

Yunbi: WHAT???

SUnny: ...

SUnny: I thought your date started at 9 =_="

Yunbi: ...


Yunbi: I'm gonna go swallow a liter of bleach now. Good bye, world

SUnny: O__O"

Yunbi: CRAP. I don't even have a bouquet of flowers for Jae. Jaejoongie DESERVES a huge bouquet of roses and tiger lilies......CRAP!

***Yunbi has signed out

SUnny: O___O

Chunderful: HAHAHAHHAHAA!!! I'm laughing so hard, tears are coming out, Su x'''''''DDD

SUnny: Chun.....


SUnny: You think he'll swallow the bleach first or buy flowers for Jae before he kills himself? o.O

Chunderful: ....

SUnny: T.T


SUnny: Yunnie's strife ish NOT that funny, Chunnie! >:|

Chunderful: YES it is!!! XD Thank you SO MUCH for introducing me to him, Su~ Laughter is good for the soul <3

SUnny: =_=


SUnny: SHUT UP! I'm gonna make a whole shit load of bibimbap. :3 Lucky things always happen when I make bibimbap~ Yunjae date, hwaiting! <3

Chunderful: HAHAHAHA

Chunderful: Furreal?? Make it over at my place. I'm starving

SUnny: Make your mom cook for you!! D8<

Chunderful: But I want YOUR cooking :'(

SUnny: =.=

Chunderful: *begs*

SUnny: Hmph. Fine. D<

Chunderful: YEAH!

SUnny: I wanna get out of the house, anyway. CHANGMIN'S been moping around ever since he came home today and mom won't quit asking if he fell down the stairs or something. Bitch just needs to feed him some porridge and tuck him into bed already

Chunderful: Eh? Harsh, don't ya think?

SUnny: Eh.


Chunderful: YESS!!

SUnny: I'm coming, Chunnie~<3

Chunderful: Oh yeah, baby. I like it when you scream my name like that ;D

SUnny: GAH!!! >.<

Chunderful: xD Yeah, baby, faster. Hurry up and come~

SUnny: You're not allowed to talk when I get to your house!!! D<

Chunderful: Sounds BDSM-ish. Me likez~ I shall have the gag and rope ready

SUnny: ACK!!!

***SUnny has signed out

Chunderful: x'D Good times~

***Chunderful has signed out

Chapter 26
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title: hookups and emoticons, genre: drama, pairing: jaemin, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, pairing: yoosu, genre: comedy, pairing: yunjae

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