Hookups and Emoticons [26]

May 06, 2010 23:02

Title: Hookups and Emoticons
Author: k_chan91
Disclaimer: Last Christmas I wished I could own Yunho...but I guess I was a naughty girl...T.T
Pairings: Yoosu (friends...?) Yunjae // Jaemin(one-sided), KiMin (Suju Kibum), HyukSu
Length: [26/?]
Genre: crack, romance, drama
Rating: PG/PG-13
Warnings: Some language, some mentions of smex, a tiny lil bit of angst, Chat world!
Junsu: 8D
Yoochun: >.>
Yunho: <3 JJ 4evah
Jaejoong: Omg~
Changmin: I pwnz

Making and breaking relationships has never been this instant~


Previous Chapters


Chapter 26: Stairs and Ice Cream

November 28, Saturday, 10:11PM

***Maximini has signed in

***Kibum has signed in

Kibum: Changmin.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Min...?

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Are you okay?

Maximini: ...

Kibum: You're scaring me.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: You didn't show up for ice cream today. I waited.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Why?

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Tell me.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Now.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: ...

Maximini: It hurts

Kibum: What happened??

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Changmin, tell me!

Maximini: Daeshim has a lot of friends

Kibum: Omg...

Maximini: When I got to his house, they were already there. About 10 of them...

Maximini: Didn't even let me into the house first before they had their fun

Kibum: They...all...?

Maximini: No. Just 4

Kibum: ...

Maximini: The rest used their camera phones. There's probably pics and videos on the internet by now of me getting beaten up.

Kibum: ...........

Maximini: But they stopped to let me work on the project. Daeshim made me do it all on my own. Asshole.

Kibum: Min......

Maximini: My stomach hurts, Kibum. And my ankle. Everything...

Kibum: ........

Maximini: And the pain-killer I took still isn't working yet. Should I take another dose?

Kibum: Come to my house. Now.

Maximini: Are you joking? It's 10 o'clock. You think my parents will let me out this late?

Kibum: You'd be at my house now if you'd shown up for ice cream today...

Maximini: I couldn't.

Kibum: ...

Maximini: I couldn't let you see me like this...

Kibum: You're the asshole.

Maximini: ...

Kibum: No text? No call? No message in a bottle? Nothing, Min?

Maximini: ...

Kibum: I'm worried. Worried sick.

Maximini: I know, man.

Kibum: No you don't.

Maximini: I'm sorry

Kibum: I'm not mad at you

Maximini: ...Really?

Kibum: You're hurt, you dumb motherfucker.

Maximini: ...Are you sure you're not really, really mad right now?

Kibum: ...

Kibum: Your parents?

Maximini: Mom's suspicious. Dad just thinks I'm a growing boy. Dunno why growing has to mean I "fall down the stairs really hard"

Kibum: Junsu?

Maximini: Screw him.

Kibum: ...

Maximini: He'd laugh at me if he knew.

Kibum: No.

Maximini: Why not? Knowing your nerdy younger brother is as weak as you thought he was would be pretty hilarious

Kibum: Shut up

Maximini: ...

Kibum: How are you going to hide it?

Maximini: How??? How else?? I'm not letting Daeshim anywhere near my home. Duh.

Kibum: No.

Kibum: ...Bruises....scrapes...

Maximini: Oh. It's not too bad. No facial damage. I can cover them up.

Kibum: ...

Kibum: You're coming to my house tomorrow morning. I'll take care of you.

Maximini: ...Tomorrow's Sunday.

Kibum: ...

Maximini: ...I wanna sleep in...

Kibum: ....

Maximini: ...

Kibum: Dumb motherfucker

Maximini: Yeah, yeah...

Kibum: You're not going again.

Maximini: I have to! Mrs. Yi said we have to meet with our partners to work on the project at least twice and we have to document the times we work together. She doesn't want one person doing all the work.

Kibum: Then lie.

Maximini: I can't! I can't just write down that we met up twice when we really didn't. Daeshim said if I avoided him, he'd tell Mrs. Yi that I hogged all the work and wouldn't let him help.

Kibum: ...

Maximini: And you know she'll believe him. And then she'll take points off our grade because she'll think I'm the stuck up smart kid who doesn't play well with others. I'm tired of people thinking that about me, Kibum.

Kibum: Fuck your grade, then

Maximini: ...

Kibum: You can overcome one bad grade.

Maximini: You and my grades are all I have, man.

Kibum: Then you can have me all to yourself

Maximini: ....

Kibum: Please.

Maximini: I won't let Kyuhyun beat me for valedictorian in 3 years. You know his GPA is almost the same as mine

Kibum: So is mine.

Maximini: I don't mind losing to you. You're special to me.

Kibum: ...Special....?

Maximini: Huh?

Kibum: What do you mean by special?

Maximini: You........

Kibum: ...

Maximini: Umm......forget it. I don't know....

Kibum: Shouldn't be that complicated.

Maximini: Well it is! You are.

Kibum: I am what?

Maximini: Complicated!

Kibum: No, I'm not.

Maximini: Shut up! I said you are, so you are. Deal with it!

Kibum: No. Explain properly.

Maximini: I...can't. I really don't know.

Kibum: You're passing Korean Literature and Composition and you don't even know how to efficiently express yourself in words. Tsk tsk.

Maximini: Haha. Shut up, man

Kibum: I won't. Til you tell me.

Maximini: Fine!

Maximini: ...

Maximini: You're special to me because...it's always your smile I see in a crowded room

Kibum: ..........................

Maximini: Whadayamean, "FAIL????"

Kibum: x)

Maximini: Ungrateful punk! I poured my heart out and you slap me in the face with a comment like that??? We're not friends anymore

Kibum: x)

Maximini: xP

Maximini: Oh crap, it's getting late.

Kibum: ??

Maximini: Mom and Dad's room. I snuck on Dad's laptop while he was watching a movie with Mom in the living room. It's almost over. They'll come in any minute now.

Kibum: Scandalous.

Maximini: Ha! Be glad I love you, man.

Kibum: ...

Kibum: Love?

Maximini: ...

Maximini: Yeah.....love...

Kibum: ??

Maximini: You want me to explain that, too??? Aish!

Maximini: I'm always happy when you're around...

Maximini: You're my best friend. My one and only~

Kibum: ...

Kibum: Okay.

Maximini: Okay??? Don't you love me back?

Kibum: I love you, too. Of course, I love you.

Maximini: ...

Maximini: You better. Or I'm not letting you be my salutatorian.

Kibum: Log off. Dumb motherfucker.

Maximini: I will! xP But not because you told me to. Because dad will choke me if he catches me on his laptop.

Kibum: x)

Kibum: ...

Kibum: Take care of yourself

Maximini: ...

Maximini: Yeah. Thanks.

Kibum: Bye, Min

Maximini: Bye

***Maximini has signed out

***Kibum has signed out

Chapter 27
I know, I know. I sneak attacked you guys with Kimin angst. T.T But....on the bright side, the Yunjae/Jaeho date shall be revealed in the next chapter :']

Oh yeah! Drop your fic requests HERE if you don't mind, please~ ^^

dbkrackweens !

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title: hookups and emoticons, genre: drama, pairing: jaemin, genre: romance, rating: pg-13, pairing: yoosu, genre: comedy, pairing: yunjae

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