Stole it from Sasori.
Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) Has
sasugay dyed their hair? ...Who?
2) What word best describes
artist_sasori? Ladylike
3) Does
artist_sasori have a big secret? I'm not sure. He probably gets it on with some puppets though.
4) If
cheeba_puppy had a superpower, what would it be? The power to annoy anyone to death
5) Is
a_scarecrow your best friend? ......*snort*
6) What would
cheeba_puppy give
cheeba_puppy for his/her birthday? My guess, he would give himself a bone.
7) What exotic animal would
perfecthair4eva like as a pet? Erm... a parrot?
8) Where was
sailent_suicide born? Konoha?
9) Which president would
ten_tentens be likely to idolize? Tsunade
10) Does
spandexmybum do drugs? Yeah right.
11) What is
cheeba_puppy's shoe size? 7.5
12) What is
spandexmybum's favorite movie? One of those horribley disgusting videos he plays in health
13) Is
i_am_old introverted or extroverted?
14) Does
bashful_hyuuga go to your school? I've seen her around.
15) How many monkeys could
soundsystem_ fight at once and win against? He could fight 100 monkeys and they would still outsmart him
16) What color should
daddys_cosmos dye their hair? Purple!
17) Is
cheeba_puppy related to you? Not currently, no.
18) Does
artist_sasori have a dog? Hell if I know.
19) If
perfecthair4eva and
perfecthair4eva were siamese twins, where would they be joined? What the.... I guess the hair?
20) Is
sasugay athletic? He was pretty good when I would watch Gaara's soccer games
21) Is
spandexmybum a nerd? A nerd for STDs
22) If
bashful_hyuuga commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? Is she even persuasive enough to gather followers? Maybe dust lint. MAYBE.
23) Have you flirted with
sasugay? We've had our moments.
24) What video game does
flamingbassist remind you of? None.
25) Is
bashful_hyuuga single? *eyetwitch* No.
26) Did
copycat_ninja break up with you? Ahaha
27) What comic book character would
soundsystem_ be? Robin. And thats if I was Batman.
28) What languages does
spandexmybum speak? Blaahhhh
29) Do
soundsystem_ and
iruka_sanchez go to the same school? I'm bored
30) What mental disorder does
daddys_cosmos remind you of? The one where you're retarded.
31) What would you do if you found out
a_scarecrow has a crush on you? I might go out with him and make him buy me food until I tragically broke up with him after a week.
32) Has
omg_itachi been to your house/dorm? Yeee-no.
33) Where did you first meet
come2meeeee? Thats that pedophile right?
34) One thing you can't stand about
come2meeeee? Dont really know him too well.
35) When did you last call
daddys_cosmos? Do I even have a phone?
36) How long would
spandexmybum dating
omg_itachi last? Probably until his little brother murdered the teacher out of jealousy
37) If
flamingbassist took over the world, who would suffer? Hrm... I suppose the ladies.
38) Does
perfecthair4eva drink? Drink what? Water?
39) Are
daddys_cosmos and
perfecthair4eva going steady? Not right now
40) Have you ever dated
come2meeeee? ...I dont like this anymore
41) Could you see
copycat_ninja and
sailent_suicide together? And I'm bored still too
42) Are
i_am_old and
cheeba_puppy married? HO PLEASENO GOD.
43) Which of your friends should
omg_itachi go out with? *shrug*
44) Is
daddys_cosmos related to
a_scarecrow? not that I know of
45) What planet should
spandexmybum be from? Uranus. THAT must be why he's so paranoid about cleansiness...
46) Would you make out with
cheeba_puppy? Of course.