I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
kasumichan2003 are close by:
- belldandysan (50 - 100)
- magicalcow, ozandrew, trip_ericson, birdboy2000, bittergoodnight, oxkrissy, girl_wombed, stacy288, merfed, peskaa, fluffy_doom, bookofjude, alien_hybrid (100 - 150)
- cferra, mercury_quirks, timarelay, chezlire, unclouded, evank2, tygerofdanyte, ketsuban, zachary_evans, jaydeis, wolfgangmozart, nine3001, lil_ida, kurenai20 (150 - 200)
- chaosrocket, shipaholic, ashfangirllisa, asharris, banion48, amykinsy, asslesswonder, rookkey2, heyjude649, clarustnb, loweeel, lilypeters, cdyody, scorpio_alice, archaneah (200 - 250)
- mariothewc, tenshialchemist, asanque, deference_need, kwcp, murgatroyd314, bugsytpm (250 - 300)
- rosesablaze, jkaizer, demonoflight, iconnoir, blogquiz, kelly_c73, tyhallmark, bam_a_lam, cleolinda, sclerotic_rings, analise_gregori, catystorm, gardenofsnow (300 - 350)
- m0ny, xnumberofwords, thestagecrewguy, corysaki, frozen_yoghurt, z_sabre, thefamousyuki, starlighting, crimson_flygon, mattpalma, animejesschan, kalajessta, ameshini, silivrenwolf, tenchi_kins, furiida, jlcchaolover, germanesbighorn, evilkittykitty, juskadeth, chikapika, zjgameru, nattychan, thamole, spiritfox04, rinielenika, kcfaunce, atashinotenshi, elvenfair, patakun, joeymew, nekusagi (350 - 400)
- sulcataixlude, moogleborg, momopi, juputoru, dream__seeker (400 - 450)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends