Provide three links to applications you have previously voted on:
Step One: You
Name: April
Nickname(s): Apri
Age: 17
Zodiac sign(s): Aries, Goat
Describe your personality (a minimum of one paragraph):
I am energetic, loyal, and an enthusiast for working with fun ideas. I can be silly when I want to bring a laugh or lift people's spirits up--- that's when my energy kicks in. Like my mom, I have her spunkiness and sass. There is a creative side to me and I enjoy learning new ways to express myself. I love to experiment with different arts/crafts whether I am good at it or not because I find it fun to learn to see the world in more ways than one. I have been told that I have huge knack for bringing situations back down-to-earth just at the right time and moment. I am a big dreamer, but I am known for being determined and also ambitious. On the negative side, I am incredibly spoiled and sometimes I could be materialistic. I also get annoyed easily and sometimes I can jump to conclusions easily. However, I don't really get "angry" (which really only happens at home). I also put myself down a lot when I make mistakes and I have a habit of taking all the blame when I feel that people are upset at me. Procrastination is big problem for me and I usually wait for things until the last minute.
fashion, shopping, baking cookies and cakes, playing dress up, dancing, animals, music, figure ice skating, theatre, graphic design, writing poetry, photography, playing games, princesses, going through closets and junk piles, sunny days, traveling, playing in the park at night, going out with family and cousins, playing with my pets, colorful skies, warm breezes, making plans, wreaking havoc in the world with friends (not literally) , etc.
animal cruelty, grasshoppers, the thought of drowning, when people are being indecisive over simple things, spilling things on clothes, when people flake out on you, practicing the piano and oboe, marching (in my marching band XD), mathematics, volleyball
I am a figure ice skater and I can do some decent graphic design. I also love photography, theatre, and writing poetry. I can play to oboe and the piano, but I'm not too great at it.
What is something you feel passionate about?:
Creativity and the fight against animal cruelty.
List some things that annoy you:
whiny people, crybabies, people who try to upset you on purpose, people who are flakes, people who don't clean up after themselves, and nagging--- Yes I know it's mostly people haha.
Step Two: Them
What type of person do you usually go for?:
I don't think I go for a "type". Although, I noticed a common trend throughout my past "crushes" was that they were all tall. Really tall. I think it is because I am a shortie myself. Haha~!
What are the ideal traits that you look for in a potential partner( or your significant
other if you already have one)?:
Other than having the usual loyal, compassionate, smart, kind, trustworthy, reliable, humorous, etc... I like someone who is artistic and have a passion for something. He has to have dreams and determination, but won't take you down with them/I also like it when they are into small little things and they are not embarrassed about it. Like, I don't know... knitting or something. When they are sensitive like that, it makes me squeal with delight.
What are some of your turn offs?:
Slobs, those who try too hard to be funny, those who try too hard to be cool, pompous people, arrogance, ignorance, close-mindedness, and those with a god complex.
Describe your dream guy/girl's physical appearance:
Ummm. He's cute, tall, and has great hair that I could play with. XD And he has a healthy body and has an eclectic taste in clothes.
Would you like for him to be... (please give an explanation)
Optimistic or Pessimistic?:
He is optimistic because sometimes I could be pessimistic. But he is also realistic, so he is not too optimistic.
Outgoing or shy?:
Outgoing, but not the crazy outgoing where he bombards into the middle of people's conversations and such. He knows how to... uh... talk with people, uh-huh.
Independent or Dependent?:
Independent enough for him to take care of his life and to move on when things get rough. Being so dependent is actually a turn-off for me. I think it is important for your love to want to be with you because they want to, rather than need you.
Flirty or Timid?:
Flirty with me so I can be playful back. XD Only timid when... he doesn't want get me annoyed?
Nice or Naughty?:
Somewhere in between. Being too nice isn't always so good, nor is being too naughty good either.
Cautious or Adventurous?:
He is adventurous and is always wanting to try new things and to explore. He is cautious when he wants to protect me... like when I get too far ahead of myself.
Sophisticated or Loose?:
Well, he is well-mannered, but is not sooo uptight that he eats buffalo wings with a fork (although that is kind of funny xD). Yeah, he has class, but will dance with me until it is morning if he has too.
Cold or Emotional?:
I don't like overly emotional, but he cannot be so cold either. I'm not exactly sure on this one... just as long as he is not super emotional is good for me.
Dominant or Submissive?:
Submissiveness is not attractive to me.So... uhh... I would think neither? We uhhh... trade off and make compromises.
Step Three: Together
Describe your ideal first date:
I think my ideal first date would just consist of walking around town, chatting about nonsense, and pointing out random things that we would see. I'd probably never notice that it was a "date" in the first place. We'd laugh about nothing and buy little trinkets and snacks and stuff. If we'd see anything fun to do, we'll just go and do it. Then at the end of the day we would probably go somewhere where there is a lot of nature and we would just sit on the ground to look at the scenary and talk some more.
Do you believe in kissing on the first date?:
Depends. Honest truth, I never kissed a guy before anyway haha.
Ta-da! Your significant other decides to give you a suprise gift. You open the box and what do you find inside?:
Something that he made by himself that I could wear or carry around. I could also imagine him giving me something that I thought was cute during one of our many adventures. Or maybe he doesn't give me a present at all, but rather a song that he wrote himself. xD
You are a princess/prince within a magical fairytale. How do you meet your one true love?:
I saw him at one of our annual balls at the palace. We would sort of flirt with each other from across the room, but nothing serious ever happens. Then one day, I decide to go far past my castle boundaries and that is when my new journey begins. I soon encounter him again and when he finds out that I have "ran away" from the castle, he tells me to go home but I tell him "NO!" and for some reason we end up going on this journey together... bickering and bantering each other along the way... until we finally get along that is. XD
Step Four: Other ?
Which KEY character do you relate to the most? (This does not mean your favorite :P):
I think I can relate to Kaori Misaka (Kanon) the most. I actually see a lot of similarities between the two of us and I can understand her situation.
Although the theme's stamp options are co-ed. But if you had the choice: boy, girl, or both?:
I'm straight as can be, but I don't care about whether I get boy or girl. XD It's the personality that counts!
Anything else?: ♥ I apologize for typos!