My Colors_TCG Activity Log Archive I

Jun 06, 2010 09:38

My colors_tcg Activity Log 05.24.10 - 11.20.10.

Main Colors Post | Trade Log

Activity Log

05.24.10 - Got 3 copies of my Sig card.
05.24.10 - Got five14, monocle02, monocle15, phones12, pitcher15, smoker16, timberowl06, trumpet07 for Pre-Join Starter Pack.
05.24.10 - Got five18, smoker11 for donating Primary - Set 1.
05.24.10 - Got maid14, twentyone20 as freebies For setting up Card Post.
05.25.10 - Got rose10, shadow05 for donating link buttons 100x35 - set 1.
05.27.10 - Got Erokappa01, Meister16, Monocle20, Optimist20, Priest01, Rock01, Scar08, Smile08 for Pre-Join Freebies.
05.27.10 - Got brave11 & optimist07 for donating Sketchpads 01-04.
05.27.10 - Got optimist15 & shadow09 for donating Sketchpads 05-08.
05.27.10 - Got honest02 & smoker14 for donating Fruits - Set 1.
06.01.10 - Got monocle15 & maid03 for donating Precious - Set 1.
05.24.10 - Got achoo10, cabbage20, jealousy09, monocle02, persocom06, persocom09, softball19, violin08 for Game-Start Starter Pack.
05.27.10 - Got ace Pilot04, beloved18, goggles03, otaku18, persocom07, raven03, record01, witch04 for Game-Start Freebies.
06.03.10 - Got trumpet03 for donating Deck - Chupa (Loveless).
06.09.10 - Won bungee14 & rose20 from winning Poké Radar Round 01.
06.10.10 - Got boxer20 for donating Deck - 0 (Loveless).
06.10.10 - Got lionheart09 for donating Deck - Fade (Loveless).
06.12.10 - Got lionheart07 for donating Deck - Bubbly (Loveless).
06.12.10 - Got information02 for donating Deck - Kunst (Battle Angel Alita).
06.13.10 - Won pentagram03 & loyalty13 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 01.
06.14.10 - Won magical04 & beloved09 from winning Guess the Color 01.
06.14.10 - Won council12, rock06, crayon-yellow from winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 1.
06.14.10 - Won violin17 & loveless14 from winning Conan's Clues 1.
06.14.10 - Got money09, rose03, phones11 for donating Primary - Set 2.
06.14.10 - Got rubber11, duality09 for donating link buttons 88x31 - set 2.
06.14.10 - Got angel05, revenge03, fog05, sin16 for donating Sketchpads June.
06.15.10 - Got chupa10, zura04, crayon-orange for Sketchpad 01 Turn-In.
06.16.10 - Got charm11, kira03 from Recycled Art 6.16.10.
06.16.10 - Won fog16, otaku19, information12 from winning Reading Between the Lines 01.
06.16.10 - Won knightmare01, magical02 from winning Host Club Giveaway 1.
06.16.10 - Won memories05, rose02, achoo09, jealousy10, traitor12 from winning Graffiti Round 01.
06.16.10 - Won secret04, shadow12, smoker05 from winning Poké Radar Round 02.
06.16.10 - Won chupa11, duality01, eyes19, gunsmoker14, loyalty15, crayon-red from winning Beauty Pageant Round 01.
06.16.10 - Won flame11, model12, smoker14, squats12, crayon-purple from winning Crossword 1.
06.16.10 - Won goggles07, sin20, boxer17 from winning Pick a Color 01.
06.17.10 - Got erokkapa18, nerd11, persocom08, crayon-brown from Level Up! - Orange.
06.17.10 - Traded in money09 & otaku19 for drugs09, headband19, hornet08, zero12 from winning Izaya's Information Exchange 01.
06.19.10 - Got memories10, priest17, twentyone15, crayon-red for donating Deck - Ronin (Rurouni Kenshin).
06.19.10 - Won blastia20, brave08, phones20 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 02.
06.19.10 - Won alien14, maid12, crayon-blue from winning Seiyuu Guess 2.
06.26.10 - Won amulet17, veda01 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 03.
06.26.10 - Won stapler16 from winning Go Fish!! 03.
06.26.10 - Won acepilot08, alien11, pitcher18 from winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 3.
06.28.10 - Got amulet20, loyalty05, crayon-yellow for Sketchpad 02 Turn-In.
06.29.10 - Won goggles18, knightmare05 from winning Seiyuu guess # 3.
07.01.10 - Won doll17, eyes17, persocom09 from winning Reading Between the Lines 02.
07.01.10 - Won hornet02, shocking18 from winning Host Club Giveaway 2.
07.03.10 - Won fullmetal10, onmyouji15 from winning Poké Radar Round 04.
07.03.10 - Won heart10, veda15 from winning Pick a Color 02.
07.03.10 - Won blastia07, eccentric20, honest02, nerd09, crayon-blue from winning Beauty Pageant Round 02.
07.03.10 - Won dragon07, hatter05, hornet06, sin09, smoker06 from winning Graffiti Round 02.
07.03.10 - Received alien12, fog04 from collecting Recycled Art July 2 (Fri).
07.03.10 - Won julia03, phones20, rose14, secret20 from winning Izaya's Information Exchange 02.
07.03.10 - Won eccentric12, zura01 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 04.
07.03.10 - Won prince12, squats03 from winning Go Fish!! 04.
07.04.10 - Won drugs01, jokes04, kekkai11, knightmare11, crayon-gray from winning Crossword 2.
07.04.10 - Got optimist03, violence09 from Voting Contest 001 - Design Akai-san!
07.07.10 - Won headband07, kind03, magical06 from winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 4.
07.07.10 - Won eccentric15, memories19, nerd01 from winning Neku's Music Station 5.
07.07.10 - Won erokappa16, paopufruit08 from winning Ryoga's Directions 3.
07.07.10 - Got 1 Choice: Dhampir05 & Dhampir01, Galaxy01, Kunst04, Library08, Noble01, Owner01, Skypirate20, Zephyr10 for NEW July Deck Release Freebies.
07.08.10 - Won lunar14, fashion10 from winning Izaya's Information Exchange 02 (additional cards).
07.10.10 - Won monta07, peach06 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 05.
07.11.10 - Received sin04, sin07 from collecting Recycled Art July 11 (Sun).
07.11.10 - Got dhampir11, fade11, raven09, crayon-gray from Level Up! - Yellow.
07.11.10 - Got swimming02, tomboy06, crayon-blue for Sketchpad 03 Turn-In.
07.11.10 - Got angel06, prince02, crayon-brown for Sketchpad 04 Turn-In.
07.12.10 - Won gunsmoker07, kunst04 from winning Guess the Color 05.
07.12.10 - Got assassin20, dynames11, maou09, sew01 for donating Sketchpads July.
05.24.10 - Got maid08, pitcher12, zero06 for donating Primary - Set 3.
07.14.10 - Won boxer04, hatter18, rabbit18 from winning Neku's Music Station 6.
07.14.10 - Won kira12, shocking20 from winning Host Club Giveaway 3.
07.15.10 - Won blastia05, captain09, idol17 from winning Reading Between the Lines 03.
07.15.10 - Got Portfolio 01.
07.15.10 - Got cain07, foxhound 19, crayon-blue for Sketchpad 05 Turn-In.
07.16.10 - Won boxer14, kira08, morning03, rabbit19, rubber20 from winning Graffiti Round 03.
07.16.10 - Won charm20. eyes01, onmyouji20, priest02, crayon-purple from winning Beauty Pageant Round 03.
07.17.10 - Won blind10, lunar14 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 06.
07.17.10 - Won headband10, morning16 from winning Seiyuu Guess #5.
07.18.10 - Received kekkai01, swimming14 from collecting Recycled Art July 18 (Sun).
07.18.10 - Won morning04, sin12 from winning Poké Radar Round 06.
07.18.10 - Getting randomx2 for donating link buttons 88x31 - set 3.
07.18.10 - Won brush10, novelist07, peach19, crayon-gray from winning Crossword 3.
07.22.10 - Won owner07, trainer09 from winning Conan's Clues 5.
07.22.10 - Won beloved01, galaxy18, magical02 from winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 5.
07.22.10 - Won drugs03, jokes12, kid12 from winning Neku's Music Station 7.
07.22.10 - Won engineer04, headband12 from winning Poké Radar Round 07.
07.22.10 - Got hornet19, objection04, sew01, crayon-red for donating donating Deck - Truth (Loveless).
07.22.10 - Got bride11, rock04, smoker02, crayon-green for donating donating Deck - Short (Loveless).
07.22.10 - Got sew09, snake07 for donating link buttons 88x31 - set 3.
07.24.10 - Won memories02, rebel19, traitor10 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 07.
07.24.10 - Got kekkai17 from Thoughts on Art Lessons with Rukia.
07.25.10 - Received bungee05, swimming18 from collecting Recycled Art July 25 (Sun).
07.26.10 - Won fashion03, record12 from winning Guess the Color 07.
07.27.10 - Won oblivious04, priest09, shocking14 from winning Ryoga's Directions 4.
07.28.10 - Won blastia13, civilian13, flame18 from winning Seiyuu Guess #6.
07.29.10 - Won asobot05, cain04, engineer11 from winning Reading Between the Lines 04.
07.29.10 - Won gunsmoker16, julia06, memorized17 from winning Neku's Music Station 8.
07.29.10 - Won glass12, twentyone17 from winning Host Club Giveaway 4.
07.29.10 - Won brush05, trainer18, ronin04 from winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 6.
07.29.10 - Won flower20, logic05 from winning Miria Conan's Clues 6.
07.29.10 - Got spear08, television06, crayon-red for Sketchpad 06 Turn-In.
07.31.10 - Got asobot14, lunar09, steak02 for donating Fruits - Set 3.
07.31.10 - Got amulet18, foxhound11, information16 for donating Precious - Set 3.
08.01.10 - Won drugs03, television07 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 08.
07.25.10 - Received asobot03 & rose01 from collecting Recycled Art August 1 (Sun).
08.01.10 - Won aimo04, cigarettes16 from winning Poké Radar Round 08.
08.01.10 - Won headband12, junk16, mako16, zephyr08, crayon-blue from winning Beauty Pageant Round 04.
08.01.10 - Won cigarettes06, kind11, phones15, scar02, skypirate09 from winning Graffiti Round 04.
08.02.10 - Won dawn19, maou14 from winning Guess the Color 08.
08.04.10 - Won bass05, detective10, sin08 from winning Crossword 4.
08.05.10 - got asobot10 from swapping drugs03 to Switch It Up! 5.
08.05.10 - Got cigarettes18, dance08, dhampir04, crayon-orange from Level Up! - Green.
08.05.10 - Got DNA1, Thief03, Mirage20, Chief06, Sigmund14, Phantom17, Venus10, Coffee07 for NEW August Deck Release Freebies.
08.07.10 - Got spoiled08, venus02, crayon-green for Sketchpad 07 Turn-In.
08.07.10 - Traded: crayon-redx3 to The Art Shop for persocom12, persocom15, persocom17.
08.07.10 - MASTERED: Persocom Received: kunst06, sew16, steak15, crayon-red.
08.07.10 - Won cabbage11, sergeant14 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 09.
08.07.10 - Got crayon-blue for Max Donations (July).
08.07.10 - Won coordinator09, information02 from winning Guess the Color 09.
07.25.10 - Received asobot02, kunst12 from Recycled Art August 8 (Sun).
08.10.10 - Got blind07, witch01 for Contest 002 - Design Mikan-tan! voting.
08.11.10 - Won hero10, operator05, revolver09 from winning Reading Between the Lines 05.
08.12.10 - Won civilian11, loyalty15 from winning Host Club Giveaway 5.
08.12.10 - Won alien14, cain09 from winning Poké Radar Round 09.
08.12.10 - Won blind03, dhampir02, paopufruit18, steak08, uranus08 from winning Graffiti Round 05.
08.12.10 - Won bungee19, detective12, loyalty06 from winning Beauty Pageant Round 05.
08.13.10 - Traded: crayon-purplex2, crayon-brownx3 to The Art Shop for kunst09, kunst15, rock02, rock12, rock13.
08.14.10 - Won clueless02, coordinator12 from winning Art Lessons with Rukia 10.
08.15.10 - Won bandages15, deadpan01, money17 from winning Crosswords 5.
08.16.10 - Won flower02, wired12 from winning Seiyuu Guess #7.
08.16.10 - Exchanged engineer11 for sadist11, uranus05 at Izaya's Information Exchange 04.
08.16.10 - Got breaker12, coffee01, coffee18, meister06 winning Guess the Color 10.
08.16.10 - Received asobot12, asobot11 from Recycled Art August 16 (Mon).
08.17.10 - Got bandages17, drugs08, crayon-gray for Sketchpad 08 Turn-In.
08.17.10 - MASTERED: KUNST & ROCK Received: dhampir06, dhampir08, bungee11, ducati04, kira15, mako06, crayon-red, crayon-purple.
08.19.10 - Traded: loyalty15 for galaxy16 in to Switch It Up! 6.
08.21.10 - Got angel19, disaster04, pitcher04 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 11.
08.22.10 - Got 6614, alien20, mayonnaise12, zero17 winning Poké Radar Round 10/11.
08.23.10 - Received asobot06, spy01 from Recycled Art August 23 (Mon).
08.23.10 - Got flash14, pitcher09 winning Guess the Color 11.
08.24.10 - Got key13, shadow14, crayon-orange for Sketchpad 09 Turn-In.
08.25.10 - Got fullmetal01, mamushi06, sigmund02 winning Reading Between the Lines 06.
08.28.10 - Got bride13, squats02 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 12.
08.30.10 - Got jealousy02, manikatti07, mysteria17, softball01 winning Conan's Clues 8.
08.30.10 - Got breaker07, maou13, oracle11 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 9.
08.30.10 - Received amulet07, amulet12 from Recycled Art August 30 (Mon).
08.30.10 - Got amulet13, perfect13 winning Guess the Color 12.
08.30.10 - Got orpheus15, ragnell20, sadist10, timberowl08 winning Beauty Pageant Round 06.
08.30.10 - Got engineer20, flame20, knightmare09, monocle07, sadist04 winning Graffiti Round 06.
08.31.10 - Got automail01, dance13, monocle11, crayon-blue from Level Up! - Blue.
08.31.10 - Traded: crayon-greenx1, crayon-grayx2, crayon-bluex5 to The Art Shop for monocle19, dhampir12, dhampir15, keyblade03, keyblade08, keyblade11, keyblade12, keyblade16.
09.01.10 - MASTERED: DHAMPIR, KEYBLADE, MONOCLE Received: angel12, dhampir10, maou07, phantom13, priest04, priest05, priest08, record03, twinstar05, crayon-red, crayon-brown, crayon-gray.
09.01.10 - Traded: crayon-yellowx2 to The Art Shop for priest18, priest19.
09.01.10 - Got heart06, ragnell03 winning Crosswords 6.
09.01.10 - Got five03, onmyouji06 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 01.
09.02.10 - Traded: alien14 to Switch It Up! 7 for cigarettes09 .
09.03.10 - Got council14, onion07, raven13 winning Seiyuu Guess # 9.
09.04.10 - Got civilian04, names05 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 13.
09.04.10 - Got perfect07, rock11 winning Host Club Giveaway 6.
09.06.10 - MASTERED: PRIEST Received: ducati09, galaxy10, gunsmoker09, crayon-green.
09.06.10 - Traded: jokes12 to Izaya's Information Exchange 05 for cigarettes17, fashion04, mirage14, thief19.
09.06.10 - Received amulet16, emperor04 from Recycled Art Sept 06 (Mon).
09.06.10 - Got 1 Special: shugo14 and 8 character: foul01, chainsaw11, baseball01, b-rabbit17, question12, tiny09, cannon06, zwei01 for NEW September Deck Release Freebies.
09.06.10 - Got cynical09, temper04, crayon-gray for Sketchpad 10 Turn-In.
09.07.10 - Got magic14, snake04 winning Guess the Color 13.
09.08.10 - Got masamune14, mask11 winning Spare Parts 01.
09.09.10 - Got amulet08, bite06, cute11 winning Reading Between the Lines 07.
09.09.10 - Got keyboard10, yo-yo15 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 02.
09.11.10 - Got shark05, lion09, crayon-yellow for Sketchpad 11 Turn-In.
09.11.10 - Got delinquent11, soldier05 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 14.
09.12.10 - Got beli19, spy08, crayon-orange for Sketchpad 12 Turn-In.
09.12.10 - Traded: phones20 to Crazy Colors Round 01 (1st post) for destiny03, tiger02.
09.12.10 - Traded: eccentric08 to Crazy Colors Round 01 (2nd post) for amnesia10, logic13.
09.13.10 - Received amnesia15, ice07 from Recycled Art Sept 13 (Mon).
09.13.10 - Got novel09, phantom07 winning Pick a Color 05.
09.13.10 - Got castle16, geika10, logic01 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 11.
09.13.10 - Got kitten12, mamushi04, zanza01 winning Ryoga's Directions 7.
09.14.10 - Got mamushi05, zangetsu07 winning Guess the Color 14.
09.14.10 - Got brat09, falchion03, uranus06 winning Spare Parts 02.
09.16.10 - Got bubbly05, bungee02, selece17, windom18 for donating Sketchpads September.
09.16.10 - Got destiny09, howl12 from Voting Contest 003 - Design Kou-kun!
09.14.10 - Got brat16, onion02 winning Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 03.
09.16.10 - Got galaxy06, janken12, spear15, crayon-gray from Level Up! - Purple.
09.18.10 - Got violin12, violin12, crayon-gray for Sketchpad 13 Turn-In.
09.18.10 - Got america02, drugs19, fullmetal10 from Donating Scrapbook 01! (Halloween)
09.18.10 - Got honest12, junes12, shadow04, smile09 winning Crosswords 7.
09.18.10 - Got aimo20, ragnarok04 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 15.
09.18.10 - Got raven16 winning Go Fish!! 15.
09.19.10 - Got bloodyrose17, snake09 winning Poké Radar Round 14.
09.19.10 - Got assassin09, flame15 winning Poké Radar Round 15.
09.19.10 - Got abel08, mayonnaise06, mysteria09, rayearth17, crayon-gray winning Beauty Pageant Round 07.
09.19.10 - Got bride02, kid08, meganes06, phones04, zearth14 winning Graffiti Round 07.
09.20.10 - Got bride19, howl03 completing POT OF GOLD 01 [COMPLETED] Yellow!
09.20.10 - Received amulet02, fade17, short19 from Recycled Art Sept 20 (Mon) extra card Here.
09.20.10 - Got heart20, kira19, zura20 winning Seiyuu Guess #10.
09.20.10 - Got galaxy07, squats12 winning Guess the Color 15.
09.21.10 - Got drums02, fashion13, thief17 winning Spare Parts 03.
09.21.10 - Traded: violin12 to Switch It Up! 8 for aimo17.
09.22.10 - Got amulet14, baseball07 winning Host Club Giveaway 7.
09.23.10 - Got charm15, kitten03, tonfar07 winning Reading Between the Lines 08.
09.23.10 - Got key03, otomen04, pentagram03 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 12.
09.24.10 - Got brat02, five03 winning Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 04.
09.25.10 - Got idol08, stubborn09, timberowl19, crayon-yellow for donating Deck - Bear (Loveless).
09.25.10 - Got jealousy02, pistol18, starfish02, crayon-yellow for donating Deck - Patch (Loveless).
09.25.10 - Got rose03 winning Go Fish!! 16.
09.26.10 - Got manikatti17, squats15 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 16.
09.26.10 - Traded: acepilot08 to Crazy Colors Round 02 (1st post) for dhampir08, loyalty20.
09.26.10 - Got duck05, revenge20 winning Poké Radar Round 16.
09.26.10 - Got after13, amnesia15, reiki15, short02, crayon-purple winning Beauty Pageant Round 08.
09.27.10 - Got kira20, pal03, crayon-red for Sketchpad 14 Turn-In.
09.27.10 - Received charm06, gamble01, gamble06 from Recycled Art Sept 27 (Mon).
09.28.10 - Got castle16, popular16, violence19 for donating Primary - Set 4 (Sept).
09.28.10 - Got charm19, foxhound13 winning Seiyuu Guess 11.
09.29.10 - Got eyepatch18, steak12 winning Guess the Color 16.
09.29.10 - Got detective10, friendship10 winning Spare Parts 04.
09.29.10 - Got chaos02, zearth17 winning Shadow Watching With Shikamaru 05.
10.01.10 - Traded: crayon-orangex2 to The Art Shop for galaxy08, galaxy19.
10.03.10 - Got aimo18, ice01, magic03 winning Ryoga's Directions 8.
10.04.10 - Got 1 Special: halloween11 and 8 character: berserker18, fangs12, france09, gemini03, lotus01, president10, taozi07, whiteclown11 for NEW October Deck Release Freebies.
10.04.10 - Received asobot16, erokappa06, zanber04 from Recycled Art Oct 04 (Mon).
10.04.10 - Got experiments19, funeral19, guardian02 winning Crosswords #8.
10.05.10 - Got un-sorcer09, branco14, crayon-green for Sketchpad 15 Turn-In.
10.05.10 - Got apple18, mamushi01, white clown01, crayon-orange from Level Up! - Brown.
10.05.10 - Got civilian18, tristan03 winning Guess the Color 17.
10.05.10 - Got starfish02, zangetsu12 winning Spare Parts 05.
10.06.10 - Got bite04, fade18, soldier07, zwei16 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 13.
10.06.10 - MASTERED: Galaxy Received: obstinate18, un-sorcerer04, white clown07, crayon-blue.
10.06.10 - Traded: crayons: redx3, yellowx1, greenx3, bluex1, purplex1, brownx1, greyx1 to The Art Shop for asobot01, capture04, erokappa03, erokappa20, foul18, optimist19, phantom10, witch05, witch06, witch09, 1 kikai-sig card.
10.06.10 - Got despair01, mini12 winning Host Club Giveaway 8.
10.06.10 - Got cello09, turtle19 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 06.
10.06.10 - Got flash19, mayonnaise18, rookie14 winning Reading Between the Lines 09.
10.07.10 - Traded in logic01 Got bigkitty11, ragnell11 winning Izaya's Information Exchange 06.
10.07.10 - Pot O' Gold 02 Challenges Completed: RED, got white clown15
10.07.10 - Got big kitty11, ragnell11 winning Izaya's Information Exchange 06.
10.07.10 - Got white clown15 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Red!
10.09.10 - Got answer17, sako08 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 18.
10.09.10 - Got janken19 winning Go Fish!! 18.
10.10.10 - Got hyper14, persocom12, crayon-purple completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Blue!
10.10.10 - Got Automail14, model15, tsundere06 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Orange!
10.10.10 - Got eyes07, obstinate02, shujin12, trainer03, crayon-redx2, crayon-yellow, crayon-purple for Portfolio01 Turn-In.
10.11.10 - Got fade13, howl05, cryaon-yellow for Sketchpad 16 Turn-In.
10.11.10 - Received amulet18, julia20, zanber07 from Recycled Art Oct 11 (Mon).
10.12.10 - Got bloody rose17, novelist18, onmyouji13, wings12 winning Beauty Pageant Round 09.
10.12.10 - Got aries19, deadpan15 winning Spare Parts 06.
10.12.10 - Got caliber01, monocle11, outdated20, crayon-green winning Beauty Pageant Round 10.
10.13.10 - Got Portfolio 02, Monochrome01.
10.13.10 - Got mysteria10, thief13 winning Guess the Color 18.
10.14.10 - Got baseball12, clueless11, gemini12, south italy06 for donating Sketchpads October.
10.14.10 - Traded in loveless19Got aimo19 winning Switch it up 10! ~*Special*~.
10.14.10 - Turned in zanber04, mirage15, amulet18, julia20Got funeral06, onmyouji04, ronin01, zero13 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Brown!
10.14.10 - Got asobot06, chaos13 winning Pick a Color 07!
10.16.10 - Traded: Jealousy02 to Crazy Colors Round 03 (1st post) for guardian10, idol02.
10.16.10 - Traded: Amnesia15 to Crazy Colors Round 03 (2nd post) for ariadoney11, taurus02.
10.16.10 - Got intuition09, marimo03 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 19.
10.17.10 - Got aniue06, president18 winning Poké Radar Round 17.
10.17.10 - Traded: five03 to Crazy Colors Round 04 (1st post) for oblivious07, rebel05.
10.17.10 - Traded: rookie14 to Crazy Colors Round 04 (2nd post) for shujin02, world10.
10.18.10 - Traded in moon03, tuxedo14, uranus19, venus18 Got cello16, cello17, fierce03, trumpt09 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Yellow!
10.18.10 - Got ducati16, german07, crayon-brown for Sketchpad 17 Turn-In.
10.18.10 - MASTERED: Erokappa, Witch, Cigarettes Received: boxer06, cannon19, god05, illusions09, illusions19, prince16, white clown08, white clown09, white clown10, crayon-purple, crayon-brown, crayon-blue.
10.19.10 - Got boxer20, directions17, shocking03 winning Neku's Music Station 17.
10.19.10 - Got doctor06, falchion11 winning Spare Parts 07.
10.19.10 - Received 017, fade08, memories09 from Recycled Art Oct 18 (Mon).
10.20.10 - Got eyes08, mani katti19, objection17, otomen12 winning Reading Between the Lines 10! ~*Special*~.
10.20.10 - Got funeral17, gemini19 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 08.
10.21.10 - Got disaster13, otaku08, crayon-yellow for Sketchpad 18 Turn-In.
10.21.10 - Traded in Magic03, Magical07, Un-sorcerer09, Witch12 Got eyepatch14, bandage03, fade04, junk08, prince18, rayearth09, sympathy07, twentyone05 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Green!
10.21.10 - Got cabbage15, reliable09, rival15 completing POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Purple!
10.23.10 - Got mysteria12, zura07 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 20.
10.24.10 - Got guild16, morning11 winning Contest 004 - Design Midorin! voting.
10.24.10 - Got crusnik14, smoker03 winning Poké Radar Round 18.
10.24.10 - Got bronco02, engineer13, france10, hahi15, professor04 winning Graffiti Round 09.
10.25.10 - Got beloved14, courage05 winning Seiyuu Guess 14.
10.25.10 - Got german10, halloween05 winning Neku's Music Station 18.
10.25.10 - Got detective18, mini11, sukonbu14 winning Crosswords #9.
10.25.10 - Received bungee01, bungee08, bungee09 from Recycled Art Oct 25 (Mon).
10.28.10 - Got outdated11, tabris04 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 9.
10.28.10 - Got caution06, cool13 winning Spare Parts 08.
10.28.10 - Got cigarettes14, spain16 winning Conan's Clues 15.
10.28.10 - Got disaster18, falchion16, falena11 winning Guess the Color 20.
10.28.10 - Got blind11 winning Pick a Color 08!
10.30.10 - Got crayon-orange winning POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED] Gray!
10.30.10 - Got dango20, data20, kira09, crayon-green winning POT OF GOLD 02 [COMPLETED].
10.30.10 - Got fate19, minicon13 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 21.
10.31.10 - Got flute08, key03 winning Host Club Giveaway 9.
10.31.10 - Got deny17, spy18 winning Neku's Music Station 19.
11.01.10 - Received amulet06, amulet11, bubbly08 from Recycled Art Nov 01 (Mon).
11.02.10 - Got cool13, voi09 winning Conan's Clues 16.
11.04.10 - Got hero16, jokes14, sweet09 winning Reading between the lines 11.
11.04.10 - Got directions20, galaxy19, perfect20 winning Shadow Watching WIth Shikamaru 10 ~*Special*~.
11.04.10 - Got bloodyrose13, cynical14, dattebayo15, crayon-blue for donating Deck - Lazy (Cowboy Bebop).
11.04.10 - Got bride10, moon15, wind19, crayon-blue for donating Deck - Hacker (Cowboy Bebop).
11.05.10 - Got directions17, zero04, crayon-red winning Art Submission - Mikan-Tan.
11.06.10 - Got disarm01, junes15 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 22.
11.06.10 - Traded: spy01 to Crazy Colors Round 05 (1st post) for familiar15, trumpet03.
11.06.10 - Traded: amnesia15 to Crazy Colors Round 05 (2nd post) for anima04, reiki03.
11.06.10 - Got cello05, drill17, masamune17, mulberry02, strip03 winning Graffiti Round 10.
11.06.10 - Got 8 Character: Pet Shop17, Tomorrow04, Kaiser06, Big Puppy16, Rising12, Hacker19, Dancer09, Misfortune06 1 Special: Nekotalia12 1 Choice: womanizer01 for NEW November Deck Release Freebies.
11.08.10 - Received power05, rayearth15, selece04 from Recycled Art Nov 08 (Mon).
11.08.10 - Got abel09, beloved10, pet shop01, professor01, crayon-green from Level Up! - Strawberry.
11.09.10 - Got bloodyrose01, honoo09, mako18, maou09, crayon-gray winning Beauty Pageant 12!
11.10.10 - Got kagutsuchi05, trance19 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 11.
11.11.10 - Got crayon-yellow, crayon-purple winning Pick a Color 09!
11.12.10 - Got saiko19, tea02 winning Guess the Color 22.
11.12.10 - Traded: directions17 for bungee13 from Switch It Up 12!
11.13.10 - Got guardian11, lie13, truth04, venus14, crayon-red, crayon-blue for Sketchpad 19 & 20 Turn-In.
11.13.10 - Traded: crayons: yellowx3, grayx3 to The Art Shop for optimist05, optimist06, optimist13, short04, short09, short16.
11.14.10 - Got alias15, mako08 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 23.
11.14.10 - Got hungary08 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 15.
11.14.10 - Got blind10, owner11, crayon-brown for Sketchpad 21 Turn-In.
11.15.10 - MASTERED: Asobot, Optimist, Short Received: answer20, chupa16, chupa19, courage09, crusnik14, emperor12, fog13, hair clips12, white clown02, crayon-green, crayon-purple, crayon-gray.
11.16.10 - Got softball08 winning Spare Parts 11.
11.16.10 - Got ducati13, power07 winning Conan's Clues 18.
11.17.10 - Received windom09, windom10, windom11 from Recycled Art Nov 15 (Mon).
11.18.10 - Got aries03, bloodyrose11, mako16 winning Reading Between the Lines 12.
11.18.10 - Got austria03, cheerful07 winning Shadow Watching with Shikamaru 12.
11.19.10 - Got disarm17, scar01 winning Guess the Color 23.
11.20.10 - Got occult11, ribbon01 winning Seiyuu Guess 16.
11.20.10 - Got professor18, record19, takoyaki04 winning Neku's Music Station 21.
11.20.10 - Got Kid19, moe09, perceive14, crayon-brown winning Crosswords 10 *special*.
11.20.10 - Got hatter19, ousaka14, crayon-gray winning Host Club Giveaway 10.
11.20.10 - Got germany16, ribbon18, sukonbu10 winning Crosswords 11.
11.20.10 - Got dawn20, turtle17 winning Art Lessons with Rukia 24.
11.20.10 - Got disarm03 winning Go Fish!! 24.
11.20.10 - Got dhampir15, kora11, wisewolf07 winning Miria and Isaac's Costume Party 16.

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