May 06, 2015 07:37
I need happy times again. All I've had minus like one week is grief, eggshells, anger and overwhelming sadness since the end of last year. And the week or whatever I was unbound I was told I was being smug.
Well, there's an IKEA trip Saturday. That's a start.
May 05, 2015 09:15
I don't want to call it quits, but how much more do I take?
May 04, 2015 08:42
Have to lie at work about why my eyes are puffy. Crying half the night will do that.
May 03, 2015 22:35
I'll just be crying myself to sleep. Do I continue carry this burden or cast it all away?
Apr 22, 2015 22:41
Headed to bed with my beloved boys. Next door neighbor broke her ankle Saturday and had surgery today so 'on call' in case she needs anything.
Apr 21, 2015 15:52
Please let me go home to a peaceful evening...
Apr 20, 2015 07:40
Sometimes I wish some people would just go away.