Spain/S. Italy/Spain - Mafia!Romano wanting to destroy
this site.
Buono Tomato
link S.Italy/S.Korea - Cold War, trying to comfort a devastated South Korea forced to fight his brother.
link S. Italy/N. Italy + Spain - Antonio decides to drop by for a visit and barge in unannounced. He catches the Italian brothers in the midst of foreplay, and after getting over his shock, is immensely turned on and urges them to let him join.
Can I Join?
link Spain/S. Italy - Turtles.
1 Spain, Romano and Lovinito
2 Mister Tortuga
link Spain/S. Italy + Germany/N. Italy - Mpreg.
link S. Italy - Romano going ballistic because a Spanish newspaper published several photos from a naked party Prime Minister Berlusconi had in Sardinia.
United in Perversity
link Spain/S. Italy - Spain secretly wanting Romano while watching Romano pick up girls.
Here is my Heart
link Spain/S. Italy - General request: country A and country B interacting when country A is a child. country A, being young and naive, declares that "when i grow up i'm going to marry country B". country B can be sort of uncomfortable or amused, depending on your interpretation. later, when both are adults, country B brings up that country A proposed to him/her all those years ago.
link Prussia/S.Italy - Angsting over how they're obsolete after unification.
link S. Italy - Masturbating with tomatoes and thinking of Spain.