HERE IS THE PROMISED TIMELINE! This is ROUGHLY accurate to the knowledge of each thread along with info from nu!Spock, TOS!Kirk, and a few peopl
(0 Hours) 10AM -
George and Kirk are beamed off the ship.And knocked unconscious. Kirk begins to dream of TOS!Spock and naughty business. (1 Hour) 11AM -
George is cut open, coolant thinner poured on him. Kirk wakes up. Kirk's fingers are broken. Kirk's hand is smashed. (2.5 Hours) 12:30PM -
Spock sends out the Enterprise after the ion trail. (3 Hours) 1:00PM -
Team Science starts trying to figure out the ion trail. (5 Hours) 3:00PM -
Tattooing starts at the neck. (11 Hours) 9PM - TOS!Spock and Jim meld and Jim starts giving strength to Kirk.
(15 Hours) 1AM -
Tattooing has finished on the face. Several kicks to the ribs/back, tattooing starts on the back. (24 Hours) 10AM -
TOS!Spock, Jim, m!Pike, and m!Spock play chess. (25 Hours) 11AM -
Kirk requests the tattoos of the dead from the battle over Vulcan. Kirk gets injected by Ayel with the green-stuff. Kirk passes out, briefly... ...and dreams of Bones. (30 Hours) 4PM -
Tattooing starts on the right arm (Oren and Ael).
Spock and Bones meld, reaching out for Kirk. (35 Hours) 9PM -
George gets out the message to the Enterprise.Ayel and Kirk have a ~MOMENT~
George gets caught, thrown into the room with that damn plant. (37 Hours) 11PM -
Uhura receives the message, gets to the bridge. --------------------------
(???) ?? - m!Pike/m!Spock give information for the away mission. (Cloaking device, possible ship layout, etc.)
(?? Hours) ?? -
The order goes out to form the away team. Rescue mission begins!