Title: Mother Nature's Spotlight
Chapter: 4/4
kiroyoGenre: Thriller, Drama
Warnings: Character death, taxidermy, hints of necrophilia
Rating: PG15
Pairing: Aoi x Uruha
Synopsis: When our skin touched and our eyes met, I knew we were meant to be.
Previous Chapters:
1 |
2 |
3 (
Ah now you may ask, “Weren’t you going on about wax replicas earlier on?” )
Comments 12
What is this!!
I was reading and then a certain scene from a movie was playing in my head.
Do you know house of wax? Well there someone is being waxed alive as well.
This was so… weird… amazing… sad… insane.
You're seriously talented in writing...
I have to admit, since yesterday I have been stalking your fanfic, your writing is amazing.
And I was very happy to see the last of this fic, as in you finished it! in a greta weird way!!
All of the above should be taken as a compliment although it might seem a bit weird and cruel.
Thank you for your compliments ^^ You've really made my night (:
wanna see the vid?
And just like the comment above, I do imagine Aoi would do something similar like in that House of Wax movie. Then you took a turn into a taxidermy. Epic.
Seriously. Epic. But I have to ask you though, won't Uruha's friends look for him?
Thanks man xD
Hmm well in Aoi's mind, no one else matters apart from Uruha. If you asked me, I'd say he'd prolly kill them if they try to save/take Uruha away.
Now, I shall wait for more from you :P
Aoi is a mad man! poor Uru baby ;_;
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