Suggestions and looking for new Mods

Mar 16, 2008 11:21

Hi there! It's break day, but now that everyone's had a week to see what posting looks like (thanks to our hosts for doing an AMAZING job!), I wanted to know if there are any suggestions on how I could improve things here. Is there anything I can do to make this community better, or make it easier for you to participate other than getting a "pause" button for real life, which I'm actively working on!? I want to make sure I cater to you all as much as possible, without you it wouldn't be fun, after all!

Edit: It's been proposed more than once that we limit caps in the actual post, and it's been suggested below that anything over about 10 caps be linked rather than in the post. Show of hands: Yays and Nays? (To accommodate people who may have already written their post for this week and may not have the time to recode, I would propose that the new rule not go into effect officially until March 24.)

Second, I'm thinking I should probably add another Moderator (or two), what with me being out of town the end of this week and there being so much going on here. Responsibilities would be to help make sure that discussions are wank-free and intervene if necessary, to help with contacting people if a post doesn't go up and we need pinch hitters and/or help with pinch hitting (which I'm very much hoping will be minimal) and just keep an eye on things. If you're interested, please comment or email me!

I also wanted to do a linked roundup of the week's discussions for anyone who missed them and do yet another THANK YOU to the gracious hosts for their awesome summaries! You can still join in on the discussions for:
Episode 1
Episode 2 hosted by chasingphantoms
Episode 3 hosted by nekokatechan
Episode 4 hosted by parsnip_chan
Episode 5 hosted by mikagechan
Episode 6 hosted by glitteringloke

Thank you all for the great participation so far! <3 Don't hesitate to contact me via comment or email if you need anything at all!

link roundup, information

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