Does anyone want a Soundcraft Spirit live - 8 channel sound desk? I have a few lying around and they're all in full custom flightcases - £50 each
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What a twunt! I went to an atm as you usually do to take some money then removed my card and wandered off without the money. First time I've done that even tho I've seen it happen a few times. Some bugger may be having a drink or two on me
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Bastard parking tickets! I've lost count of how many I've had in the past. Picked one up last weekend cas I forgot where I parked the car (have no recollection of parking it where it was). Funny really.
whoaa an lj update! Theres loads I could update about meself but I canny be arsed with that atm. bubblerat inspired me to actually do something about updating but as mentioned I'm not interested in updating my life's happenings
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