I took today off of work so that I could be at the first episode filming of The Biggest Loser Season 10, in Boston. I was planning to go to this, no matter what, but I'm so glad my mom came with me so I didn't have to go alone. The entire day was amazing, and I'm so glad I went
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I found this on Wil Wheaton's blog, and I know he got it from somewhere else and I'm too lazy to go copy/paste that info, too. So, for credit info, go to his site and then you'll know :)
My phone is broken :( There's no way to reach me reliably except through email when I'm @ work (and since I don't get to check my other emails/LJ/etc often right now with my meeting schedule, it's best to try me @ my work email
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If there are one or more people on your friends list who make your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the Internet, then post this same sentence in your journal.
Eman was on Living Lohan and there's a clip of it here on youtube... It's extremely short, but it's nice to just see him again, since he's spending all of his time behind the scenes producing: