i realized how crappy that web site i made last night is so now i'm working on another one. i really should do homework instead of fiddling with this but whatever. it gives me something to strive for that i acctually care about. *school, now i just don't care. i only do the little bit of work that i turn in to keep my parents from killing me. *they
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-driving school tonight. i heard it's not so bad but i can think of plenty of better ways to spend 3 hours and $125. -the way people talk to babies is the most annoying thing ever. -i have 2 projects at once in english.. burnside is crazy. -i need acoustic strings. we'll be making music in the choir room 6th period tomorrow. -donuts next tuesday.
Holy cow! I think I've got one here Now just what am I supposed to do? I've got a number of irrational fears That I'd like to share with you First, there's rules about old goats like me
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obvious or oblivious? which am i to you? i'm trying hard to show my feelings, so are they getting through? i care and embrace and i do mean this well, but the precedence that i'm meeting, i've shattered, they've fell. noone is perfect though you are in my eyes, and i hold you above me, within beauty lies