Title: destroyed in love. Pairing: krystal-centric; kaistal; kailli Genre: romance/angst Rating: PG-13 Length: one-shot; 7,508 words Summary: Soojung loves without knowing what the word means and Jongin doesn’t know how to help her.
don't you love me anymore PG-13/Angst, Romance/1818 words Minho/Krystal That day, Minho realized that he never knew what had happened to her in the first place.
Title: Love and Its Complexities Author:mara_ciro Rating: PG Fandom: EXO/f(x) Pairing: Lay/Krystal Summary: Sometimes, love isn't enough to stay Author's Note: Memoirs of a Geisha AU. Written for the 2013 cycle of the kpop_olymfics. Originally posted here.
Stars by knowmonsta Taemin/Sulli / G / 416 words / Romance / prompt: that was then Summary: Back then, Taemin would have told you were crazy if you said he'd fall for her.