Sure. Leave tornado alley, move somewhere else, and get right in the path of tornado-esque activity.
I am freaking out.
ETA: Did not hit my street but hit all around me. How is it after living for 21 years in tornado alley I never saw a tornado but live two years outside of it and get slammed?
I ran for 20 minutes without stopping today. I don't know how far that is, but I ran for 20 minutes, and only got out of breath at the end. It's pretty exciting, but the downside is... I ran for 20 minutes and my body has sufficiently come down from the endorphins.
I had a minor panic attack the other day when I learned Anatomy And Physiology was something that probably should be taken prior to the nursing program, and looked up the class on-line just to discover the class was full. I talked to the dean of nursing and apparently as long as there's lab space she can get you into a class! So I got in! I'm
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I went to see Inception last night, which I'm guessing is going to be the Inglourious Basterds of 2010. You know, that movie that even as award season approaches they just can't top. I mean, OMG
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