Title: Fighting Destiny (7/?) Pairing: Sakumiya, Sakuraiba, Matsumiya Genre: AU, Romance Summary: You may curse your destiny, but true love may come with it Disclaimer: Sadly I don't own them :(
Not so much, as things are going to be on the open it will get resolve in some way Yeah , I feel for Sho too, but love doesn't always goes both ways, you just have to accept it. Too bad they missed their chance Next chapter soon :D
Shooooo-chaaaaan <3 pobre Sho-chan :'( pobrecito me dio tanta lástima!! no fue su culpaa...pero al mismo tiempo pobre Aiba-chan :'( me hiciste sentir lástima por todos los personajes! :P ay no puedo espperar al próximo para ver que pasa con Matsumiya pero más importante quiero saber qué pasa con Sho y con Sakuraiba (me está gustando el Matsumiya pero Sho siempre va a tener el lugar más importante para mi :P )!! espero que todo termine bien!!! aaahhh no puedo esperar al próximo!!!! estuvo muy bueno el capítulo!!
Gracias, aprecio bastante tus comentarios :) Pobre Shocito, sufriendo por amor, pero eso nos tiene q pasar a todos en algun momento, lo bueno es q cuenta con el apoyo de Jun a pesar de la situacion incomoda para ellos sobre el final, aun no se, me gustaria dejar las cosas un poco abiertas por decirlo asi, para que cada uno continue la historia en su mente como mejor le guste Tu q crees? Bueno, ahora a trabajar el cap 8 y 9...
pobre Sho-chaan <3 =P al menos tiene a Jun =P sí, está bueno dejarlo con final abierto, nos da la posibilidad de imaginarnos como sigue la historia por nuestra cuenta =P suerte en el 8 y el 9!!! ya los quiero leer!! necesito que Sakuraiba esté bieeen!!!!
It seems like Jun is going to have a bad time ne? Well see... For me Nino is more concern about Jun than angry at him It must be difficult to know that your cousin, who you love as a brother, is suffering for your boyfriend don't you think? And Aiba... there's a little information that I'm reserving for next chapter... you'll see We are more than half of the story, so I'll hurry up Thnaks for commenting :D
i kinda guessed that Sho like Nino also (refraining from being harsh again). I don't think its fair for Nino to question Jun at any rate, I mean no one should tell him about Sho's feelings other than Sho himself. Jun is a gentlemen for staying strong though he knows that he might lose (emphasize on "MIGHT") Kazu at the end.
If I was in Kazu's position I would have asked the same question he did to Sho and then tell Jun the truth but assure him that his Love is still with Jun. I may have fallen for Sho first but that doesn't mean I'll love him better than Jun. *personally that's how I see myself doing*
As I responded to the comment before you, it's not that Nino is mad, he is concern for the situation that Jun has to face being Sho his cousin and him his boyfriend I also think Jun did well not telling Nino about Sho because that's Sho's secret to tell. And as he said, he could only wait and be there for Nino I hope this help you a little, you are really into the story, I'm so happy! XD
too short but it tells all~ aaaaahhhh...he might hate jun for not telling him!!! but i think that jun is ryt bcoz there is aiba, his bestfriend.... waaaaahhh...but he might not trust jun again!!! wth???!!! my brain malfunctioning again!!!! it's the chapter fault!!!!
Comments 27
awww now i understand Sho's feeling.... why sakumiya is so tragic D: *suddenly feel a pity for Sho*
thanks for sharing! can't wait for the next chap ^^
Yeah , I feel for Sho too, but love doesn't always goes both ways, you just have to accept it. Too bad they missed their chance
Next chapter soon :D
ay no puedo espperar al próximo para ver que pasa con Matsumiya pero más importante quiero saber qué pasa con Sho y con Sakuraiba (me está gustando el Matsumiya pero Sho siempre va a tener el lugar más importante para mi :P )!!
espero que todo termine bien!!! aaahhh no puedo esperar al próximo!!!! estuvo muy bueno el capítulo!!
Pobre Shocito, sufriendo por amor, pero eso nos tiene q pasar a todos en algun momento, lo bueno es q cuenta con el apoyo de Jun a pesar de la situacion incomoda para ellos
sobre el final, aun no se, me gustaria dejar las cosas un poco abiertas por decirlo asi, para que cada uno continue la historia en su mente como mejor le guste
Tu q crees?
Bueno, ahora a trabajar el cap 8 y 9...
sí, está bueno dejarlo con final abierto, nos da la posibilidad de imaginarnos como sigue la historia por nuestra cuenta =P
suerte en el 8 y el 9!!! ya los quiero leer!! necesito que Sakuraiba esté bieeen!!!!
uh oh, how is Jun gg to explain huh.. hmm.....
will Nino be angry with him?
and Sho, aww poor thing, but still he shouldnt haf began with Aiba if he wasnt sure ne~
Poor Aiba~~ i wan his sunshine smile back... T.T
A sudden thought, maybe maybe Sho destined other half is Aiba? he just doesnt realised it yet XD
HAHAHAA ( I think too much)
Cant wait for next chap! to see how Jun gg to explain himself muhahahaha *evil me*
Well see...
For me Nino is more concern about Jun than angry at him
It must be difficult to know that your cousin, who you love as a brother, is suffering for your boyfriend don't you think?
And Aiba... there's a little information that I'm reserving for next chapter... you'll see
We are more than half of the story, so I'll hurry up
Thnaks for commenting :D
If I was in Kazu's position I would have asked the same question he did to Sho and then tell Jun the truth but assure him that his Love is still with Jun. I may have fallen for Sho first but that doesn't mean I'll love him better than Jun. *personally that's how I see myself doing*
I also think Jun did well not telling Nino about Sho because that's Sho's secret to tell. And as he said, he could only wait and be there for Nino
I hope this help you a little, you are really into the story, I'm so happy! XD
i wanna see how their talk is gonna turn out :)
aaaaahhhh...he might hate jun for not telling him!!!
but i think that jun is ryt bcoz there is aiba, his bestfriend....
waaaaahhh...but he might not trust jun again!!!
wth???!!! my brain malfunctioning again!!!!
it's the chapter fault!!!!
i can't wait... but tnx for the story~
Next chapter will come out soon XD
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