I don't know if this is kosher or not, or what the LJ rules are for hacking. I think it's okay as long as you don't go around reading people's private entries. Anyway, as [lanekim] I feel it necessary to express my LJ love for [evilolive21]. I love to read her ever-so-exciting LJ that she never updates and dream that she's writing about me.
Babel The Holiday Blood Diamond Freedom Writers (1/5) Miss Potter (1/22)
In other news: 12/22-12/25: Christmas in Florida 1/2-1/7: Megan (friend from Grinnell) visits 1/3-1/6: Kirby (friend from Grinnell) visits 1/22: Ecuador
Home is good so far. I'll find more substantive things to say soon.
It contains gems such as: But if West Virginia wants to elect politicians who allow mining companies to lop off the tops off mountains and dump the waste into valleys and streams, thus causing floods that destroy
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