Hey Im looking for this countdown clock thingy i could place on my lj. I want it to countdown to a certain event, with the date, hour minute and seconds specified. Im not really familiar with html so id be grateful if someone just gave me a ready to paste in code or a link to something fairly simple. thanx a bunch!!
I just joined (waves) I have never really had a "layout" before so i don't know what i want to put in it like i dunno what i can do because i only have a free account. If anyone would be so kind to help me out with making on please IM me at That1RedFlamingo (AIM) Thanks, Molly<3
I would make a request list, but I don't know what to put on it. And I don't know what most of the things are that most communities put as their 'request forms'. So I was wondering if someone could just im me on aim and help me out.