Title: How Far: The Wedding Night Series: Tales of the Abyss Length: 5025 words Genre: Romance, Porn Pairing: Guy/Natalia Summary: An explicit version of the wedding night scene from Chapter 17 of How Far.
Title: No One Crosses In Between Series: Sofia the First Length: 2987 words Genre: ... Characters: James, Sofia Summary: Hugo's words couldn't bother James unless they were true.
Title: Sugar and Spice Series: Tales of the Abyss Length: 500 words Genre: Friendship, Fluff Characters: Guy, Anise Summary: What little girls and potent drinks are made of.
Title: The Girl Can't Help It Series: Tales of the Abyss Length: 387 words Genre: Humor Character: Anise Summary: She was determined to make him see her as a lady.
Title: Damsel in Distress Series: Tales of the Abyss Length: 675 words Genre: General, Fluff, Friendship Characters: Natalia, Guy Summary: Females of all species adore Guy.
Title: Religion, Science, and the Unexplainable Series: Community Length: 270 words Genre: Humor Characters: Shirley, Jeff, et al Summary: Darwin was wrong.
Title: Ski Bummed Series: Archie comics Length: 670 words Genre: Friendship Characters: Reggie, Betty Summary: Reggie may have been trying to impress the wrong girl.
Written for the prompt "snow had fallen, snow on snow".
Title: Chronology and Winter Phenomena Series: Community Length: 436 words Genre: Introspective Character: Annie Summary: Somehow snow felt like freedom, at least for a little while.