Burning random windows of time in an otherwise hopelessly packed schedule...

Sep 08, 2005 16:21

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet sakura47? Sixth grade flute class!
2.~What would you do if you had never met amvelrose? Um...well...I don't know. That would entail her never being born. Which is unrealistic at best.
3.~What do you honestly think of texasredtiger? I think she's amazing. Especially as a contra player. ;) And she's doing remarkably well adjusting to a whole new environment, even with so many deterrants.
4.~Would or did justaddparsley and greenhera go out? Never. Both nicely straight young ladies.
5.~Have you ever liked flea_7788? Can't say that I have. Although we did play on the same team against the younger sibs in a bifamilial game of cops and robbers.
6.~If mustang_driv3r died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That I still care. That's as personal as it gets here.
7.~Would superpunk1113 and onepoorhobo616 make a good couple? Never. You know how I feel about that. You know how Kevin feels about that. Lee, how do you feel about that? Hehehehe.
8.~Describe tipper06 in 3 words: Under the surface
9.~Do you think kinkonfan06 is hot? Oh, you know it! And she's had a crush on me FOREVER.
10.~Would mustang_driv3r and perish_song make a lovely couple? Hmmm...I've never thought about it. Perhaps.
11.~What do you think of when you see greenhera? I can't even begin to think of anything else but Kristen herself. :)
12.~Tell me something humiliating about onepoorhobo616: Mmm...I don't think so.
13.~Do you know any of red_edison's family members? Yes. All of them.
14.~What's ironcavilier's favorite color? Blue.
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is frogfairy89? 10! Unless she's being mean to me. Then 1. Hahahahaha.
16.~What would you do if skr4tch_37 just professed their undying love for you? Well, he did give me a rose, once. ;)
17.~What language does justaddparsley speak? English....
18.~Who is brittwitt07 going out with? No one as far as I know.
19.~Is siren_melodi a boy or a girl? She's a WOman!
20.~Would crazycan and skr4tch_37 make a good couple? I don't think so....maybe?...
21.~Who do you think dazedchild_6317 would be great with from this list? Dang! I KNEW I should have friended Zach!
22.~When was the last time you talked to kinkonfan06? The day before I left for college, maybe?
23.~What is flea_7788's favorite band? THE RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS.
24.~Does superpunk1113 have any siblings? No.
25.~Would you ever date red_edison? Already have briefly. He's very taken, now. :)
26.~Would you ever date tipper06? No. Sorry. You're cute and all, but I want to have children when I grow up.
27.~Is dazedchild_6317 single? Nope!
28.~What is ironcavilier's last name? He's one of those totally awesome Matzas that are SO COOL and that everybody absolutely adores.
29.~What is crazycan's middle name? Beth
30~What is texasredtiger's fantasy? She's got it--an awesome contra solo!
31.~Where does siren_melodi live? Same city she did before. Still kind of paranoid about geographical specifics.
32.~Would you make out with sakura47? Oh, any day. Of course...that's already been proven... ;)
33.~Are amvelrose and red_edison best friends? No.
34.~Does tipper06 like ironcavilier? I don't think so.
35.~How did you meet crazycan? Junior high, but we sort of "re-met" in chemistry sophomore year.
36.~Is kinkonfan06 older than you? I am her elder.
37.~Is perish_song the sexiest person alive? Without a doubt! Kids who can play piccolo usually are. :)

Yeah. College is still fun. But I got sick and my mommy couldn't come to school with me to take care of me. :( But I aced my poli sci quiz! It was a one-question quiz over three days' worth of editorials and such from the New York Times. I detest the newspaper, but obviously I read it well enough. Only four of us got it right! Maybe I can stick it out in poli sci...

Will write more later. Very busy at the moment.

OH. Violin player are the new drum majors. ;)
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