May 22, 2010 04:29
this isn't working.
No matter how I think we grow
You always seem to let me know
It ain't workin'
It ain't workin'
May 12, 2010 13:32
when i was in high school, i got a phone call.
when i answered, it was a girls voice... it whispered..
"take me now i've done something wrong"
then she hung up.
this was in the times before caller i.d. or any shit like that.
ive never forgotten that.
May 10, 2010 01:02
I know I told you to eat a lot of dicks, but you're alright with me.
Feb 19, 2010 13:16
Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.
Dec 19, 2009 10:46
Im holding your hand but you're standing still
Still lies the air between our hearts
None beats for the other anymore, still lie our hearts and the space in between.
Dec 19, 2009 03:27
I don't fucking sleep anymore...
Its 3:25 am and I have to get up for work at 6:50.
...what the fuck am I doing?
Friends become lovers and liars become friends... I love you like the bitter end.