Title: Severus’ Furry Little Problem
likeaglassStatus: Complete
Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17 for language and come shots.
A/N: Okay, so
I succumbed. I can't help it, I'm weak!
A/N 2: Harry's sixteen here, people, so I guess that's technically chan.
One day, when Snape was a crotchety old man of thirty six, he awoke to find himself with an... unusual problem. )
Comments 49
Pink and fluffy + foul-mouthed, IC Snape.
Fucking brilliant. Just fucking brilliant.
Thanks, dear :)
(The comment has been removed)
*is glomped and likes it*
I seriously thought that I was going to DIE from oxygen deprivation at this point. Oh. My. Shit. But no! No. Then you do this:
“Shitting fucking goddamn!” he screamed as he came
The mental image just... saklkljsal;ksadjsalsadklj! !!! Ow. Ow, my ribs. I hate you. But I love you. That was fucking hilarious. You win my life. Here, have it. ::hands over::
I should have known you'd like this story, though, what with that filthy mouth you've got on you *loves*
PS - I was thinking of asking you for some music, since you so generously offered, but um. Your massive playlist, which has about 4 artists I've actually heard of, scares me. Any recs?
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