that was the most worthless answer i could have recieved to this post. i appreciate your comments but not this one. i would have expected this from anders or darren but not you claire.
the water on the floor can not be called raindrops. the water on the ground outside can not be called raindrops either. the only times that water can be called raindrops are when it is in the process of falling from the sky or when it has just landed and is still in the quantity of one drop of rain. once the drops start joining together then the water must be referred to as rainwater or some other more general term. the water in the house from your shoes is rainwater.
that is exactly what i said. i have probably spent about 1.5 hours aguing this point, illustrating it with vivid examples, metaphors, similies, onamotapeia, correct spelling, personification, etc.
Comments 7
just kidding anders and darren.
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