Title: Irrevocably Combined
Author: Telis (
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan
Summary: Wherein Ryan really just needs some time to figure a few things out.
Word Count: 3078
Disclaimer: Fake, fake, fake.
A/N: Another outtake from the spiritual agony longfic, ahaha. This one came about because I wrote the opening scene and really adored it,
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Comments 57
This is exactly the kind of story I love to read (and reread, and reread...). You've really got a knack for handling difficult subjects in a way that doesn't make me uncomfortable reading, and that is seriously quite a feat, because I tend to get squirmy when things get too serious in fics. But you don't make me squirmy (except in the good ways).
I also just adore how you manage to portray such intimacy between the two of them even when they're not having sex. The bathing together, sleeping together... and when they finally do reach that point, it seems so perfect, inevitable because the lead-up was so perfect.
God. So many hearts. <333!
I'm really glad you liked it. I think their dynamic is one of the most interesting, because the two of them had to learn how to communicate, for the simple sake of the album, and I can't help but think that bleeds over into everyday life.
Thanks again!! :D
You. With the. GUH. I love you, Telis. Marry me?
This was sosososo perfect, and I can't pick just one part because, hi, it's all so good.
I love it.
Awesome job. Awesomeawesomawesome. :D
Well done all around, thanks for a good read.
More than anything in this fandom, I'm interested by Brendon and Ryan and all the possible explanations for the way they behave, it's always fun for me to just play about with them. I'm glad I sold you on what is admittedly a bit of a weird proposition :)
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