I am in need of brandy for some cooking. I don't drink brandy. Therefore can someone please recommend a decent brandy that isn't too expensive. Due to trebling the recipe, I'm going to need quite a lot.
Monteiths make really quite good beer. And yet the best description I can come up with for their cider is inoffensive. It's not bad it's just bland. It's like the supermarket white bread of ciders
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There is something so comforting about rereading old book favourites. It's like a hug all tucke dup in between the covers, spread out over the time it takes you to read all the pages
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"If someone who appears to you to be outgoing, tells you that they are shy, believe them. What you are seeing is their performance face, their coping mechanisms. It may come over as arrogance, be expressed as sarcasm, be over ebullient, or talking too much. It may exhaust them so
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I've never actually been much of a trekky. Just didn't get into it. However, having seen the new Star Trek movie tonight, I could be converted, if it's as good as. I saw the trailers and wanted tos ee the film. Is aw the film and was not disappointed. All to the good really.
the price for reliving my childhood music memories is the sight of John Farnham in leather pants and a muscle short. *twitch* Somehow that's not the iamge I've had stored mentally these years gone past! And oh that hair!
Youtube has a lot to answer for really :-)
(also testing the crosspost function for future reference)