Jul 22, 2009 23:02
I just bought a new hose to water my lawn that had a label that says: attention California residents: this product contains material that is known to be not drink from...
good thing I live in Oregon..
Jun 26, 2009 12:44
I enjoy the juxtaposition of thousands of fans outside a hospital with rest in peace signs...
Jun 09, 2009 06:24
On the cover of People, Bristol Palin refers to her child as a consequence...
May 25, 2009 21:46
I now own a shamwow...Somebody needs to put me to bed at night..
May 17, 2009 20:00
sometimes I like to use my phone to make and receive calls..
Apr 28, 2009 07:24
I went grocery shopping last week...the next day I went to the doctor and he told me I'm not allowed to eat any more I have to get rid of all my groceries..
Apr 21, 2009 21:15
On Hannity tonight Dick Cheney referred to water boarding and other forms of torture as "asking tough questions"...
Apr 17, 2009 18:29
I always get complemented on the veins on my arm whenever I give blood, or get lab work done, or inject drugs...
Apr 07, 2009 21:13
I was browsing the bulletin board at the grocery when I came across this gem: "UEGENT wanted: adult diapers"