Welcome to our glorious sixth post.
That's right: 6! But let's move on to not bore you with interesting facts ;)
All fills for prompts of the earlier prompt posts go in the post the prompt was posted in. No re-posting or splitting up prompts and fills.
Otherwise it will get very chaotic.
Places of interest:
Unfilled prompts can be found on
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He seems to think Emiliana Torrini's 'Sunny Road' is quite optimistic, but I find it quite sad (but maybe other anons don't imagine she never gets a reply!)
So, I was thinking ... post-election 2015 Clameron AU?
Seems to fit, somehow!
Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyuL1z2tejs
Lyrics: http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/emilianatorrini/sunnyroad.html
Interview: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/politics/david-cameron/8038954/David-Cameron-I-will-never-shift-from-the-centre-ground.html
It's gripping stuff. I can't wait to find out what happened between the two and why David never texted him!
Nick may have made a life for him in NY, but it doesn't feel like home to him, from his musings.
Boris/Tim coalition: the thought is hilarious.
*hides head in sand and completely ignores de Palin-as-US-president element as it is too frigtening a thought*
“It is not a request,” said Nick in his most reasonable voice. “My decision is made; I am merely letting you know, as a courtesy, before the announcement is made.”
“This is an outrage!”
Nick’s eyebrows shot up. “Hardly. We’ve been on air for nine seasons. Quite a good run, considering we were almost cancelled after the first.”
“Look, I know you found the election last year exhausting -“
“It wasn’t exhausting, it was boring. I’ve had enough of politics ( ... )
Please let this be Ashley Dupre.
I am loving this fill, anon, especially all the NYU references. I kinda want to beg you to throw in a Jay Rosen cameo!
“Did you ever think of writing a book?”
“Sure,” Nick chuckled. “One of those godawful memoirs in which some bitter, defeated politician spends hundreds of pages justifying themselves and insisting they were right all along?”
“Exactly,” Ashley grinned. “Could be cathartic.”
“Yeah,” Nick idly ran a hand through his hair. Maybe it was time he laid these ghosts to rest on paper; perhaps then he would finally have some of the closure he needed to move on from this whole sorry mess ( ... )
George! *claps wildly* Did he just say David will be in NY too? Oh Authoranon, the things this fill does to me, you have no idea!
Eagerly awaiting next update.
Captcha: secret thoroughly. Well that's a thought.
*needs more of this. like, yesterday*
George pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. “No idea. Or rather… it’s daft, but I just wanted to win one election before retiring ( ... )
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