Title: Common Knowledge
elucrehPairing: Jared/Jensen
Summary: Jared, your fangirls. Fangirls, I believe you already know Jared. Better than he knows himself.
Notes: Obviously, they belong to each other. Extended notes following epilogue.
1-The Con-going Fangirl ::
2-Filk ::
3-Fanreports ::
4-The Everyday Fangirl ::
5-Fic ::
6-The Fangirl Online ::
7-Rose-Colored Interviews ::
8-The Fangirl On-Set ::
Epilogue: The Kripked Fangirl::
A/N: In order to understand this chapter, you will need to be familiar with "The Ballad of Jared and Jensen." If you are not yet familiar with it, you can go to
the artist's journal to download it or
here to watch the fanvid to it. (Scroll down.)
This convention sucks.
Jensen does cons the same way he does a lot of other things for his job-dutifully and as cheerfully as he can manage. After all, most of the fangirls are nice and they're why he has a job, a great job-he owes them a lot, certainly to be polite when they come to see him. But he isn't comfortable as the focus of so much attention, and that crazy girl who jumped him, now that was just freaky. The only good thing about them, as far as Jensen's concerned, is Jared.
Jared knows how edgy these things make him, and usually he sticks to Jensen like a burr, the sort of combination bodyguard and support system that's normally only achievable by German Shepherds. Jensen has his friend's attention to himself at these things in a way he can't usually get-he doesn't have to share Jared with Dean, or pretty bar girls, or a freaking PS2, and Jared's so determined to make it easier on him that he's focused on Jensen all the time. Not that Jensen has any special reason for wanting Jared's attention, but it's good to spend time with his best friend. Even in front of the crowds, Jared's got one eye on him, and when they aren't doing their thing the two of them hang out in each other's suites and-you know-bond.
But this time Jared's figured someplace else to be, a way he can be in the convention but not overwhelmed by the convention, and Jensen's spending a lot of time on his own with a paperback.
Which is why he grumbles a little to himself when the connecting door between their suites rattles with Jared's cheerful pounding.
"Dinner!" Jared announces with a broad grin. It's a little blinding, and Jensen squints at him.
"Dude, I realize you worry about losing all those womanly curves, but even you aren't usually this excited to eat. What gives?"
"Screw you. Where's the menu?"
"What, you wanna eat right this second?"
"Pretty much."
"...Okay then." Jensen waves him toward the nightstand, with the phone. Jared bounds over and scrabbles the receiver off the hook, dialing the room service number.
"Burgers good?"
"Sure." Jensen's eying his costar warily now. Jared's hyper, jiggly and grinning, but he's speaking in two-word sentences when he could stretch them to maybe thirty-five. The last time he was this excited and this quiet it ended in...
"Is there a jar of peanut butter anywhere in your possession?"
"No, man, why?"
"Never mind." But Jensen's suspicions aren't much allayed, especially when Jared's conversation stays succinct all through dinner, and especially when Jared has "something to show him" and drags him out into the public areas of the hotel.
When Jared pulls him into the conference room-which has an ominous neon paper sign on it that he passes too fast to read, although he does see "seven o'clock", which is in fifteen freaking minutes, what the hell-Jensen feebly tries to put his foot down. Jared just shoves him toward the supply closet at the end of the room and says, "If you don't get in there and shut up I swear to God I will shout, 'Oh my god, it's Jensen,' lock you in, and run like hell." And whatever happened to Jared's awareness of his weaknesses at conventions being a good thing?
Jared's a bastard.
Resigned, Jensen shoves his way into the closet and fights for balance with his elbows as Jared pushes in behind him and shuts the door. "Seriously, man, what--"
But Jared covers his mouth-more like half his face--with one hand and hisses, "Sssshh. I want you to hear this."
And Jensen's trying to figure out the best possible move to get that paw off of him when he hears the unmistakable squeal of the Wild Fangirl Mating Call, and starts maneuvering to get Jared between him and the door instead.
He can feel Jared's shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
The room fills up with chatter and squeals, most of it lost in the general murmur, but they settle down pretty quickly when the mike screeches. "Everybody? Hey, I'm Laura-you probably know me as BitchfaceTM--" she has to stop while they scream their approval--"and if you're here, you probably know why. Before we get going, I want to thank Sammysweetheart for helping me spread the word--" applause-- "and J24eva for agreeing to play for us tonight." More cheers. "Stick around after-we've got the room for half an hour, we can swap rex and bunnies," and Jensen mentally curses Jared again--because this closet is getting fucking close already-and the fangirls, because who the hell trades rodents anyway?
"And now, because Virginia rocks--" and the crowd is getting steadily more excited--"and because every fandom needs an anthem--" oh, Christ, this is going to be bad--"please join me in singing The Ballad." A guitar chord is struck.
"This is the story of two straight men
They're straight, they swear, except for when
They meet each other and Jared's so pretty and so is Jen...
So they can't really help it
But here it goes, you guys, here's my love story--"
Crammed up against him in the closet, Jared freezes, and Jensen thinks, Wait. What?
Jared listens to the song in a kind of horrified fascination, as it talks about Sandy and candy and dogs, as it talks about Eric's suspicious amounts of tension between Sam and Dean (which is, he has to admit, a fair argument), and then they get to the verse he heard, and the very next line is Jensen and Jared are in love. All he can think is that you should read the contents of the box before you open it, and also that fangirls were sent from hell to torment him by not finishing their songs when they sing them in public. By the time they're singing something about Chad his brain's more paralyzed than that, four-letter words pounding solitary in his head in time with his heartbeat. FuckshitogoddamnfuckfuckFUCK...
After the laughter and cheering dies down there's a lot of chatter, mercifully incoherent, while he holds himself frozen outside of Jensen's space and worst-case scenarios run through his head, and then the fangirls drift off until the room is as silent as a grave.
"Jay?" Jensen's voice comes to him quietly out of the darkness of the closet. "You, uh-you trying to tell me something?"
And oh, shit, he hadn't thought of that.
After his question, the silence stretches between them, and Jensen can't tell which way it's going to snap. In the end, he lifts a hand to Jared's shoulder. "Jared?"
"I swear, man, I hadn't heard the whole thing." Jared's babbling now that his mouth has been switched back on, waving his huge hands wildly, and Jensen's hand falls. "I'd only heard the part about you, I thought it would just show you not all of them think you're some kinda god, knock you down a peg, I had no idea--"
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jensen says, feeling like he's handling a spooked horse, or one of the babies post-lamp crisis. "I believe you, calm down, fucktard," and he throws a friendly punch at Jared's stomach for good measure. "God, you know me better than to think I was gonna fly off the handle, even if you were totally hot for me."
"Yeah, you wish, fucker," Jared shoots back, his voice the same as it's been a thousand other times they've shared this joke, and then it goes heavy with relief. "Serve you right if the love of your life made his first move in a janitor's closet."
"Brad Pitt has way more class than that," Jensen shoots back, and shoves Jared out the door.
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